Nekton Nov 3-10 Belize

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Reaction score
Graham, NC
# of dives
200 - 499
Going to Belize on the Nekton Pilot the first week in November. Got a good rate at the Seas Expo last fall. Live aboard, food and diving included for $1495. 5 dives a day for 6 days. Nitrox avail.

If you are looking for a fall trip, this should be great!

We're going in December, let us know how your trip went. I've been curious how updated the inside of the ship is. I heard they got all new carpet/refurbishment last year but I can't find any photos online that are recent. Have fun!
Will do. I have been looking for recent photos of the boat and haven't been able to find them so I plan to take and post a set on my site,, along with the normal dozen or so spectacular underwater shots (I hope).
Going in Dec. as well, the week of Dec. 1 thru 8. This will be our 4th trip on the Pilot. 2 other ones to Belize and 1 to Cay Sal Banks. We love it. We have also been on the Explorer to Turks and Caicos and the Ocean Hunter II in Palau so we are liveaboard pros by now. Enjoy, the crew on the Pilot are great, especially if Cap. Effie is on board.
NO problem, I will be adding a trip report om my website,, and plan to post several topside and boat photos.

And if you haven't been, watch that site. If this trip is as great as I expect I plan to book a group again for next year about this same time.
I posted the following on the "Dissapointed" thread yesterday and do not know how to cross link so am repeating it here as promised:

Greetings from NCDiver, recently returned from a great week aboard the Nekton Pilot!!!

I just got in yesterday after a 1 hour AA delay in Bleize Airport turned into a missed flight in Miami and an overnight stay for a flight Monday morning back to Raleigh. Seems I have a problem getting thru Miami on AA every time.

I am afraid that time will be a bit tight to do a better trip report until I get my desk back under control, but thought some of you might like an initial cut.

Basically, if there were problems, they have been corrected. The crew was friendly, helpful, and seemed to like each other and what they are doing. The Captain, Capt. Grant, is personable, laid back, good sense of humor and really seams to know what he is doing. Maintenance items were addressed quickly, meals were good and on time and the dive deck was well run. One completed her open water and loved her instructor. Several did Adv OW and one did his Nitrox cert. again with positive feedback.

The weather was dreary the first of the week and the vis varied from 50 to 70 most days with one site somewhat less. Water warm, about 82 with cool / warm spots occasionally. No real thermoclines. Current overall mild to none but one site was pretty stiff and the dive deck was closed and we moved to another site where we did 2 afternoon dives, a night dive and a dawn dive making 6 dives that day.

Everyone on board got along well. Don't think there was one person who got out of joint about anything. Talked with the group about doing it again and got 100% let me know when, from all the passengers, our group as well as the others. I plan to go again, maybe next year about this time.

I will post more later and a reoprt with photos on my site soon. But wanted to keep my promise to post a report as soon I could.

Hope this helps those of you who have a trip coming up. I will try to answer questions as I have time.

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