That was fun ! You should see what happens on Techdiver when someone offers the same advice.But to anyone who offers up any proof that for cave-diving any agency is better than another....please give me the exact figures on caving deaths and what percentage each agency had .Trick question ........most cave fatalities were non -cave certified to begin with or were diving outside of the guidelines of the agencies they were certified by.I do believe GUE offers the most comprehensive training available,but do I want to spend the time and effort?No.I'd rather get the card and dive,dive,dive.Once in the system you can find out a lot about a person by doing some "weenie" dives with them then deciding if they are capable of further penetration.I like the idea of mentoring new divers along a longer time than than just thru the classes.I hang out around the crotchety old farts who pioneered this sport hoping to emulate the best of thier ideas while incorporating any new & valid advances.I spent probly 3 grand on tri-mix classes to find out that A.Helium is your friend B.Nitrogen is the enemy C.Oxygen can be either and D.There is more to learned by actually diving than in class.Like I stated earlier most of the guys that pioneered and lived share thier tips for free.The basic skills can be had rather inexpensively and with the extra $ the most valuable tool can be bought ...Experience.And comparing any kind of diving to medicine is funny...most instructors will tell you it'd be easier to train monkeys to dive.They don't try to outsmart the instructor and they don't vary from thier training.THanx for not flambe'ing me .......