Did not know who else to ask without giving it away. My son is USAF heading to Iraq mid December. His birthday is November 14th. He is an aircrew member (Air Borne Linguist/Tactical Sensor Operator). I want to get him a knife to take with him. He and I are both into blades. Problem is when I brought up the subject he seemed to indicate that the type I had in mind would be too big for him to carry? I was looking along the lines of a fixed blade Tanto but I'm getting the idea that a folding pocket type tactical would be better for him. Problem is I don't know which one would be most useful on an aircraft or God forbid in a situation where he would need to leave the plane for some reason before it landed(parachute). I also would like it to be useful in a hand to hand or hand to throat or kidney situation. Easy or relatively easy to conceal as well would be a plus. Willing to spend up to $125-150. Looked at the Randall Airman but at 500 bucks it's out of my range and it's a fixed blade. Any advice especially from former SO personnel very welcome. Thanks. And a source would be nice as well.