I have worked with a rental fleet of Alpha 7's, currently work with rental Alpha 8's, as well as owning/ed CDX5/Delta 4 (swivel), PX2/Zeta, two (now one) PX3/Alpha 8's and FDX10/EOS.
Is the Alpha 8 really that similar to the Alpha 7? As I remember teaching OW skills with Alpha 7's, they did "fall" into the normal position when doing reg recovery skills. I find Alpha 8's to be so light weight a plastic that a hose full of air floats the reg above shoulder level and much more skill or even different technique is required to "comfortably" recover the reg, IMHO.
Personally, I really like the PX3 because of the straight down hose port (wish I'd sold the PX2 with the other Alpha 8), but the too light plastic Alpha 8 is barely worth using as an alternate in my book. I recommend you offer to make the purchase, at the price agreed, if they upgrade the primary to a GT3.
Is the Alpha 8 really that similar to the Alpha 7? As I remember teaching OW skills with Alpha 7's, they did "fall" into the normal position when doing reg recovery skills. I find Alpha 8's to be so light weight a plastic that a hose full of air floats the reg above shoulder level and much more skill or even different technique is required to "comfortably" recover the reg, IMHO.
Personally, I really like the PX3 because of the straight down hose port (wish I'd sold the PX2 with the other Alpha 8), but the too light plastic Alpha 8 is barely worth using as an alternate in my book. I recommend you offer to make the purchase, at the price agreed, if they upgrade the primary to a GT3.