Need info on PSD course

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Pineville, Louisiana
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0 - 24
Hey guys I havent posted in a while but I have a few questions. My dive instructor is SSI Millinium Diver and has been very helpful in getting our team going however there are no local instructors that teach PSD course. Would it be possable to get a course outline from someone so he can teach us the course? He will be teaching stress rescue and S&R next month. Any info would be helpful thanks in advance.
I would suggest getting a hold of Dive Rescue International or one of the other certifying agencies and host a course taught by instructors certified to teach the course. I know DRI will allow you 5 students in the class of 20 for no cost. I'm sure other agencies have similar class hosting services.
I agree.

See the other recent thread about padi training PSD's - this is no different. Worse, actually if this guy doesn't know what he needs to teach you guys. An outline isn't going to mean anything to a sport diving instructor.

I'd say you guys are headed down the wrong path. Sorry to be blunt but if you want your team to be safe and learn properly get a real PSD instructor out.
-- Incidently we bring our prefered instructor from over 2000mi away and its worth every penny every time
DRI will come to you. Take advantage of it and change your line of thinking. I don't care of he's a SSI Bizillion diver, not being a PSD instructor is still not being a PSD instructor.

Gary D.
My team went through the ERDI program. It was set up through Deep South Scuba out of Jackson Ms. That is not too far from you. Get in touch with them. I'm sure that they can come to you if you have enough students.:thumb:
No im glad you guys are being blunt this is all new too me and the one thing I want to so is not be another headline of a PSD that was a LODD. Ill contact DRI and ERDI for some better info. Thanks again guys.
Echoing what the more experianced PSD's have said...

Over the past 3 years teams in central VA have transitioned to the formal PSD agencies. Since we all deal with budgets, avoid the recreational philosophy and start out with the right foundation from the get go (PSD taught by recognized PSD agencies).

Putting it in perspective, who do you want behind you as your backup/ standby? Someone who has taught 100 recreational S&R classes, or someone who understands and plans for the contingencies and enviroment that your team is tasked to operate in?
For those that think they don't need PSD training look at it this way. If LEO’s and Firemen, just two examples, went to work every day with a Security Guard or Boy Scout fire fighting badge as their certifications how many do you think would be alive at the end of their first week?

It’s about the same thing. Recreational diving is nothing like Commercial, Military, Research or PSD diving. Each has its own style and own ways to survive it. PSD just happens to be a death trap if you are not extremely careful.

If you disagree have your County, Town, City or village fathers fire all your LEO’s and Firemen and replace them with Wally World security guards and Boy Scouts. If your town is still there in 6 months give us a report on how it worked. That is if someone hasn’t stolen your computer from your burning house after they beat the crap out of you and your family.

There are plenty of Recreational divers out there that can do the PSD job but only after the proper mind set and training have been established. :wink:

Gary D.
No im glad you guys are being blunt this is all new too me and the one thing I want to so is not be another headline of a PSD that was a LODD. Ill contact DRI and ERDI for some better info. Thanks again guys.

Very happy to see! Good for you to step outside the box and look inwards - its hard to do.

Also check LGS
they're the other of the big 3 in the PSD world

good luck!

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