A big concern is health care where ever you decide to relocate to. Make sure that you take that into consideration.
A place I suggest that you look into is northern South Carolina. Charlotte, NC is close to the South Carolina line and there is a lot a access to Cozumel through Charlotte. I live in NC but suggest SC due to the significant lower cost of living ESPECIALLY sales and income taxes.
There are some old threads here on people's decisions to relocate to various destinations (outside the US - which are good reads).
Let me know if I need to look up some links.
A place I suggest that you look into is northern South Carolina. Charlotte, NC is close to the South Carolina line and there is a lot a access to Cozumel through Charlotte. I live in NC but suggest SC due to the significant lower cost of living ESPECIALLY sales and income taxes.
There are some old threads here on people's decisions to relocate to various destinations (outside the US - which are good reads).
Let me know if I need to look up some links.