Need help on sat!

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Reaction score
charlotte county, fl
# of dives
25 - 49
K I need someone else to come on the boat with cub and I on sat 7/11.
Its only the 2 of us and yall know the rules. Please please please someone
come. This is her first boat dive and the third attempt for her to get
out there. The weather seems to be holding for that day. North winds
maybe no chance of rain. Please help us out. If I have to I guess I ll
just pay for a empty slot and go hungry for a month lol. My life just
sucks right now.
I just looked at Jamie's calender and there are only 2 spots left open you should be ok. Just in case I sent him a pm to secure one of those 2 open spots. Sorry about today I didn't mean to blow you off I slept late. I woke up once around 4am or so and I was awake for about an hour or so. Didn't wake up again until 1230pm. All the excitement this weekend finally caught up to me.

Anyhow hopefully I msg'd Jamie before anyone else ate up those spots and I'll see you Saturday.

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