Need help! Gopro leaking! Need solution!

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London "where the warmest and clearest waters are"
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25 - 49

This is my problem: Last week I was trying out my new Gopro Hero 3 Silver at a (flooded) quarry in the UK. I stored my gopro, in my Buddy Commando BCD pocket. My gopro is a gopro hero 3 silver + a bacpack (the old one: ). I went down to 8 meters and I couldn't turn on my gopro. To my horror i could see some water in the gopro housing. When i came back up i emptied the (waterproof) case and the camera didn't turn back on until I left it 4 days in a airing cupboard. Now both the bacpack and the gopro work fine. I also noticed that the waterproof lock buckle has snapped on one side!

So, I wanted to know if i could buy some sort of transparent waterproof bag to put over my waterproof casing just as a fail-safe? Or would you have another cheap alternative?

Thank you.

(forgot to mention the O-ring was free of dirt and sand prior to the dive + sorry if i didn't put this thread in the right category, I am new :D)
Did you look closely at the housing and back to see if there were parting lines left by the mold? Had to sand/buff these lines on my wife's Hero2 housing after a similar situation and did the same to her Hero3+ housing on arrival. Have not had moisture issues since.
I have the same camera and had the same problem. What was funny is that the leak happened on a second dive to only 40 feet, after I had brought it down to 110 feet and had no problem.

The issue turned about to be some crap on the rubber seal - nothing more. I had opened it between dives to check on it and a very small bit of something had made its way onto the seal. I cleaned the thing off really well when I returned home and tested it each and every way I could think of. Never had any problem since. Just have to remember to check and clean that seal - and to not open it between dives.
Would anyone know where I could purchase a spare battery bacpack backdoor?
V1 battery bacpac doors are getting a bit difficult to come by. GoPro Battery BacPac (Battery Excluded) (8.0) - has one as part of a package but the cost of international shipping may put it out of range.

But are you sure the problem is the door? The broken latch sounds like the real culprit here.

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