need help for transport connection alor-komodo

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I'm planning for a Komodo/Alor trip this Dec,

and just can't figure out the the connections for my trip.

It's Jakarta > Alor > Komodo (LBJ) > Jakarta

First of all, due to flight connections, I will be flying in from Jakarta, not Bali ;(

From Jakarta to Alor, It seems Jakarta > (Bali)> Kupang > Alor.

then Alor to Komodo (LBJ) it's Alor > Kupang > Ruteng , then by bus to LBJ?

Is the plan right? Or other ways?
Are there some restrictions (dates?), or some really important things to consider?

Hi, your planned routes sound correct to me. It might also be possible to fly Jakarta > Surabaya > Kupang > Alor?

Some more details about transportation to Alor here:
La petite kepa - Transportations

Things to consider: flights from Kupang to Alor are on small planes (15-20 passangers or so), and can get fully booked. When I was on Alor earlier this year, a group got stuck in Kupang because they missed their connecting flight to Alor, and no more seats were available for 5 days... Also flight delays and occasional cancelations do happen! Anyway, worth it to get out there despite the hassle!
5 days?!

Interesting that none of the travel agents masquerading as answering questions haven't piped up...
Hi elanor_k,

when flying from Jakarta to Alor you will always have to transit and change the planes (and sometimes the airline) in Kupang. Flights from Jakarta to Kupang usually stop in Surabaya and/or Bali but it will be just a short stop where you might even (have to) stay in the plane.

"Bora_Horza" is just partially right when he says that the planes between Alor and Kupang only have a capacity of 15-20 pax. Usually TransNusa uses ATR42 (approx. 48 pax) or Fokker F50 (approx. 60 pax) planes.
But he's definetly right that you should plan at least one night in Kupang each way as there's only one flight from Kupang to Alor a day and if you arrive too late it's bad luck. As well domestic flights in Indonesia get cancelled or delayed on very short notice!

To go from Alor to LBJ I think it might be better to first fly to Bali and then back to LBJ. But of course this depends on the connection options, total travel times and price.
Have you checked TransNusa Air Services about their schedule?

Important things to consider:
- Change your money in Jakarta as exchange rates are a lot worse in Kupang or on Alor (not sure about LBJ)!
- Usually you can't pay with credit cards on Alor and getting money from an ATM might not work either. Take cash!
- Plan at least 1 night between your last domestic and your international flight, better 2 nights!
- Plan 1 night each way in Kupang (might not be necessary, especially when coming from Alor)
- Book your domestic flights ahead. The dive operator(s) on Alor can help you with that (I always dive with Tauchen in Alor)
- Check "crazy" routes between Kupang and LBJ, e.g. Kupang -> Bali -> LBJ
- Be aware that currents around Alor and Labuan Bajo can be really strong!

Last but not least:
Alor and LBJ are well chosen destinations for really good dives! I'm sure you will have a great time and fantastic dives!


An alternative might be to do Komodo Alor by liveaboard... Grand Komodo do such trips for instance.
Also I do recall when I was waiting in Kupang airport in May that there was a flight to Labuan Bajo - think it was trans nusa but not sure.
Good luck with planning your trip !
Bora_Horza, Andy_from_Germany, and frogfish,
thank you for your kind advices.

For the dive shop in Alor, I am planning now for petite Kepa , but they would be closed after the first week in December. I moved my schedule a bit around and am waiting for an answer now. (phone doesn't seem to work..)
If it doesn't fit, then I'll contact Tauchen in Alor. thanks for the tip :)

I tried looking into Transnusa's website, but it seems they haven't got the December schedule online yet.
I emailed Transnusa if they can send me the schedule, and several Indonesian travel agencies too to get a decent flight schedule itenary.
One replied me (well, after a week and a half and inbetween my schedule has changed..) and wanted service fees for every flight (not trip). Well. I'll try to get it myself together...or not :)

Thanks again everyone, and keep the tips coming :)
It seems I have to stay overnight at Kupang..hmmm

Jakarta - Kupang

Lion Air

09:35 - 14:30
17:30 - 22:30


06:00 - 09:50
14:50 - 19:35


I've got this from Transnusa Air Service today..

We have daily flight from Kupang to Alor vv

Kupang to Alor
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Saturday, Sunday : Etd.09:00 Eta.09:45
Thursday, Friday : Eta.13:00 Eta.13:45

Alor to Kupang
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Saturday, Sunday : Etd.10:05 Eta.10:50
Thursday, Friday : Eta.14:05 Eta.14:50

We have flight from Kupang to Labuanbajo vv

Kupang to Labuanbajo
Monday, Wednesday, Saturday : Etd.12:25 Eta.13:45

Labuanbajo to Kupang
Monday, Wednesday, Saturday : Etd.14:05 Eta.15:25
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