Neck Seal issue?

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Bellevue, WA
I've got the military seals on my new DUI dry suit. I have a major issue on my neck. I've developed not necessarily a rash, but more like burns on my neck. I've got hickey size and color marks that are dry to the touch and hurt when I move my neck on my Adams apple and the left side of my neck. No other marks, no other pain. So its just in these 2 spots.

So whats the deal with these? Is my neck seal too tight? The person who cut my seals is the number 5 top dealer for DUI in the world.

I know I'm not allergic to latex or any other rubber (trust me on this)

Any way I might be able to prevent these marks from occurring in the future?
After something similiar happened to me, I read a thread on this on The Deco Stop.

My first season of diving dry with latex seals, I had no issues. My second season, after a couple dives I got what soudns to be the same as you. It gradually turned into a rung of light scabbing. It looked like I tried to hang myself. People at work looked at me and said, "Hey, life's not so bad..."

The thread suggested washing the inside of the seal with soapy water and rinsing, after each dive outing. This basically did the trick for me...When I don't wash it, the irritation recurrs...
Yea I've got coworkers here at Microsoft accusing me of having hickeys makes it look unprofessional. I heard some one say fill uP a squirt bottle with some dish soap and dilute it with water. Then at the end of your dive spray some of that soap around your seals and work it around with a finger then slide your hands and neck out. That would also help start the washing process. (In addition to the cleaning when you get home) I just might have to do that now.
I had the exact same problem with my latex neck seal. After a single dive I had really sore hickies on my neck near my adams apple and on the sides. (A lot of explaining to my wife after that dive.)

I think the one on the side wa due to my nails scratching the neck when I put on and vented the seal.

The adams apple was due to tightness and friction when turning my head.

I found that folding the seal in and placing it lower on my neck, under my adams apple, fixed the problem completely. It is also a lot more confortable and doesn't feel as tight.

Try the soap and if it doesn't do the trick try folding your neck seal and placing it lower on the neck.

If it's a new seal, have you tried stretching it over a tank to remove some of the original stiffness?
My neck seal used to irratate me, not to the same extent as you discribe, I corrected this by applying powder to my neck before suiting up, and wearing the seal low on my neck.

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