This is my first post on scuba board, and I would like to talk about something that happened to me in the carribean, with a resort, and recive constructive criticism on the incident. I know it really isn't a huge deal, but It kinda left a bad taste in my mouth about the guide.
I have been a diver for a couple years with under 15 dives. I took at trip to the carribean and did some dives, I elected to do a night dive with my resort, as I thought it would be a good experience to get another good dive in. I was diving with a OW instructor and two other guests, the dive was eventful in a good way, without incident, I looked at my gauge and realized I had 750psi left in my tank, I imeditatly signaled the divemaster and gave him my guage reading. He signaled ok, I signaled back...this is where im thinking are we going back to the boat? He just continued the dive, so we finally make it back to the boat starting our safety stop, I give him the something is wrong followed by the low on air.. he asks for my pressure I signal back 200psi. I then started to find that my reg was extremly hard to breathe out of and I knew I only had a couple of breaths left. I was still in a calm state, and signaled that I was going to acent, the instructor then gave me a big no...I was 2 min into the safety stop, I was well within my DECO limits, I wanted to surface. He pointed to his octo, I couldn't breathe any longer off of my tank, so I gave the out of air share air signal. He passed his octo, we continued the safety stop,
then continued the acent without incident.
Was this OOA situation my fault, or the guides? I still feel bad about putting myself in the situation, there was many air checks during the dive, and with him being the guide, I trusted that he would be able to gauge my air consumption.
It was both your faults. But I wouldn't spend too much time dwelling on that.
Instead, welcome to ScubaBoard. You sound keen to learn and this is an bloody marvellous place to do just that. You can learn a lot here from many experienced divers and lots of good (and some not so good) discussion.
Welcome on board.