This happened to me twice.
Last year while drift diving in the Niagara river, my new buddy kept drifting into my reg hose and almost pulling it out of my mouth. I started to get frustrated and bit it to make sure it wasn't coming out. Well, the last time, I was getting a tiny trickle of water coming in. I thought it was strange, and I just blew it out. I pulled it a little to show him what he was doing, and the mouthpiece stayed in my mouth, the rest of the reg came away, and I started to take in water and stopped inhaling. We were just a few feet from the surface, so I just exhaled and we surfaced. We reattached the mouthpiece and called it a day.
I told the LDS what happened and the sales clerk just wrote on the slip to "check" the reg - she wasn't specific that the mouthpiece was yanked off.
Well, my next dive after service was in Belize, and at the end of the dive, while about to go up the ladder, the mouthpiece fell off again for no apparent reason. I just blew out the water and went up the ladder.
I showed the DM's and they put a new tie on it and made sure it was really tight, and it hasn't come off again yet. It's a Sherwood Blizzard, and I have never had any other problems with it.