Nassau, bahamas

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12/21/09--Just got back last night--I was lucky due to the snow conditions and airline cancellations!! Went for a week of diving. Beginning of week was nice; towards the end, the fish started heading for deeper water--something was coming. On Friday we dove the Shipyard. Seas were very rough (I thought I was back in Jersey); Poor visibility about 15-20 feet; Alot of surge; but still Better than a day at work! We decided to do a second dive on the wreck instead of pulling anchor and getting the crap beat out of us heading to a shallower site. The second dive was just about the same; I couldn't get over the amount of surge we had on the wreck. A TON of lionfish everywhere; I was afraid of getting blown into one with all the surge. I was the only one on the boat who didn't wear a wetsuit--I dove in shorts & my "Dive NJ" tee-shirt. (they keyword is NJ -lol :)). Saturday's dive was cancelled due to rough seas. That is the end of my dives for this year. In 2010 I am doing North Carolina.
PS- see you all at "Beneath the Sea" in March.
Happy Diving & Holidays!
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