May 3rd 06- Barracuda Ally--Temp around 65 degrees at the surface. 1st Thermocline around 25 feet. Wearing a 5 mil shorty over a 3 mil long with hood/gloves. Visibility was around 18-25 feet. Current was slow to nil. Site is a sunken barge and around 20 or so military APCs that rest at around 50 feet. LDS was Coastal Scuba which I highly recommend. Travel time to site from dock is around 1:30 min. 30 min of this is down the little river.
May 4th 06- The General Sherman---Pretty much the same conditions as above except I left off the 5 mil and just dove the 3mil long with no hood. A little chilly yet. The Sherman was named the princess royalle and was captured by the US Navy. It was used as a blockade runner and had a part metal hull. Coaled powered, steam driven prop. You can see much of the structure as it is mostly intact. She rests at around 45-50 feet and was sunk in 1874. Travel time is about 1:10-20 min. from dock.
Wave conditions vary at this time of year, it can be flat one day and the next, waves might be 2-4 feet. Just be ready, if your prone to getting sea sick.
May 4th 06- The General Sherman---Pretty much the same conditions as above except I left off the 5 mil and just dove the 3mil long with no hood. A little chilly yet. The Sherman was named the princess royalle and was captured by the US Navy. It was used as a blockade runner and had a part metal hull. Coaled powered, steam driven prop. You can see much of the structure as it is mostly intact. She rests at around 45-50 feet and was sunk in 1874. Travel time is about 1:10-20 min. from dock.
Wave conditions vary at this time of year, it can be flat one day and the next, waves might be 2-4 feet. Just be ready, if your prone to getting sea sick.