Our plan is to release the My bluebuddy App for Android (4.3) by the end of September.Most people I have know have Androids...
HERELink for the sensor?
We are getting there. We have a dozen of boards that work like a charm.And we are hoping it is a successful release soon....
We are expecting to receive production boards in a couple of weeks max.
That is correct.The problem with Android is the OS is very fragmented and therefore it is difficult to write a single app that works on all phones. ....
In fact, developing Apps that contain Bluetooth 4.0 low energy capabilities for Android WAS a nightmare (we know something about it since we were among the first to publish BLE Apps on Google Play).
But, I said "WAS"
Now, we the advent of Android 4.3, Bluetooth 4.0 LE works like a charm! We tested our My bluebuddy App on several smartphones and we are quite impressed by the 4.3 BLE library. It is as good as the iOS one!
So, make sure you upgrade your Android smartphone to 4.3.
Alberto (aka eDiver)