My last dive with ScubaCaribe

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I would like to thank both Mark and Yak. The latter for posting his comment on the Scubaboard, the first to bring it to my attention.

At Scubacaribe we try real hard to involve children and teenagers into the sport we are so passionate about. We think it is a very healthy way for them to stimulate all their senses and their brains!

For us to allow them to enroll in Scuba activities, we consider their age and their physical and mental development. Both PADI and SSI have designed great outlines for children programs, with very clear standards we adhere to.

I do understand that diving with those kids was not compatible with your wish to do some deeper dives and I am very sorry if that went wrong there. At Scubacaribe we really want to match, as much as possible, all participants' dive levels in one group.

The camera thing surprises me, the reef-walking totally upsets me. I will investigate this ASAP with the instructor(s) on that dive.

Please, to all readers/writers/divers: keep posting your messages!!! Without them it is so much harder for us to improve.

Kind regards and happy bubbles,

Kurt Sienaert
Operations Manager

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