My first time shark tooth diving

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Columbus, OH.
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0 - 24
Hello fellow divers,

I just returned home from vacation in which I did two days of shark tooth diving in Venice. The first day diving was with Florida West Scuba. Captain Steve and Marie were great. They were really professional and were very knowledgeable about fossils (must be that degree Steve received from OSU). I found a nice 3" meg, a few broken megs and mako, and various other fossils. The most interesting being a 2.5" mako that appears to be made into an arrowhead (will post pics soon to get some feedback). My two buddies on the dive with me found some small megs and some smaller teeth.

The second day was with Capt. Jamie on the Aristakat. Capt. Jamie was great and had a very outgoing personality which made the trip fun. I only found a couple small megs, but due to my great navigation skills, I spent a lot of time practicing my competitive swimming skills. However, one of my buddies found a 4.5" meg and a couple nice smaller megs (I will post pics soon).

The three of us had a great time and can not wait to get back to Venice. We are trying to schedule a trip in April 2010, maybe during the shark tooth festival. We heard the diving was good early in the year if you do not mind cold water (being from Ohio, that should not be a problem). Thanks to all the "Venice Fossil Divers" who post here, because I received a lot of good info over the last several months while planning our trip.
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Hey Proudpapa. Glad you enjoyed it down here and we won't hold it against you that you are from Ohio (Go Blue):D. You can clean up in the spring if you don't mind water temps in the 60's. I would be really curious to see that Mako/arrowhead. Please post a picture when you get a chance.
Hey Krawdady,

As strange as this may sound, I'm actually a huge Michigan fan who happened to graduate from OSU (I grew up in northern Ohio). So I'm with you on the GO BLUE! Capt. Steve gave me a little crap about being a Michigan fan as he is also a OSU alumni. As for the mako arrowhead pics, here are some before and after. Let me know what you think.

mako arrowhead before.jpg mako arrowhead after.jpg mako arrowhead after 2.jpg

Capt. Steve told me this is only the second one he has ever seen.
I studied it hard and it is close but I going to say just coincidental. I have found some off the Peace River that have been used as tools as well. I also have megalodons,camel toes and others fossils that have holes drilled in the center of them. They were used as pendants. Now there are arrowheads and artifact that have been found off of Venice, as well as ship wrecked coins. Its great that we are keeping our eyes open to this. Thanks so much for sharing your finds with us. We are looking forward to your trip down again. Maybe a dive or two if not look for me at the shark tooth fest. Have a safe trip and again thanks for sharing your trip to venice with us.
cool, I' ve always wanted to do that.
Well it is a lot of fun. You find a wide range of different fossil there. Anything goes when your on the river.
It was an awesome day out on the boat with Jamie If you haven't gone diving with Jamie you are truly missing a greaet day on the water and in the water. He really knows how to make you feel welcome and his knowledge of the area is second to none. Thanks Jamie for a great time!!!

I found a few MEG.s and a nice Hemi (my biggest yet) Here are a few pics.



Cleaned up it's almost perfect with a little enamel missing. I'm very happy with it though.
Excellent finds. Venice fossil searching is a great change up from normal diving, it gives you some exciting to look for like burried treasure.

Hope you come back down sooner then next year!

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