Usually, not always but usually I enjoy solo diving better than with a buddy. Simply because I have a photographers mindset. I've dove with people who cover about 5 square miles of terrain in one dive, but I would preffer looking at one or two rocks for 45 minutes or so. A few weeks ago during my Rescue class, we all got to do a recreational dive and take a break. We started off as a group but ended up with solo except one guy following me. At the end of the dive everyone said it was an ok dive but didn't see much. I pointed out to my follower 8 lobsters, 3 octopi, a colony of cowries, 3 or 4 different species of nudis, it was an awsome dive. I think the ultimate is to do a solo dive and have a friend happen to follow you so you can point out all the cool stuff as you putt along. I just got doubles, insta buddied with some guy I've seen at my shop (who is a DM candidate), he said he'd watch me becuse it was my first dive in doubles. The guy panicked in the current, couldn't submerge, and then blasted to the top from 108' because he couldn't vent air from his drysuit, hit the surface and started swimming the wrong way to the boat. The whole time Im thinking "if it werent for the doubles, I would have soloed this dive..." Im thinking of getting a 40 for pony for when I single tank it...