My first set of gear...

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Ok... so i am in a slight predicament. I live in the diving-rich B.C. coast, and i dont have gear. It is a real pain to drive out and rent gear then drive all the way back. It just doesent seem convienient, so i have decided to buy soem stuff. I'm 13 years old so money is an issue, and inheriting my dads gear seems like a good idea, as he is a frequent diver and is in desperatley in need of new ****. I'm wondering if you have any suggestions as to what i should buy/do.

James Bell of Kelvin Grove

PS Please excuse my speeling and grammmatical errors
That is quite a problem. Here is how I worked out a similar problem.

I was 17 when I got my c-card. My parents bought a tank, hard pack, and some other items as a HS graduation present for me. I had mask, fins, snorkel. The LDS owner gave me a very good deal on a 1/4" wetsuit and Ikelite dive light.

I wanted to buy a rebuilt DA Aquamaster regulator for $35 and discussed it with my Dad. We then drove to the LDS and discussed it with the owner. He offered a new Swimaster Polaris II for $55, and said I could use his regulator until the new one arrived. My Dad liked that and chipped in the extra $20. I was set.

This was in 1970. Prices have changed a bit since then. Good luck!
Hi James.

It's good to hear from another BC diver. Hope to get back there soon.

Now that I am on my third set of gear, I'd suggest borrowing your dad's gear or renting most of the big stuff. It sounds like this is what you've already come up with and it is a great idea. Try as many different types of gear as you can and learn what you like. This way you won't end up with two extra sets of gear sitting in your closet.

If you really need some gear, I started by buying my personal gear and suit then regs and a BC and the rest later. But, given your age, it might be good to just rent the suit for a while. I'm not sure if it's possible to rent a drysuit but that might be a good idea as well. The local waters get pretty cold this time of year. If you don't have any drysuit experience a course might be a good idea too.

Have a great time diving.

Kalvin Grove is a nice place.

Ps. no worries on the spelling.
Check out I think DiveRite. I think them or SeaQuest has a BC that they will "upsize" for free until you are 18 or so. They might cost more than a regular BC, but if you get a couple free "upsizes", it'll be worth it.

Other than that.... When I was your age I made most of my spending money by cutting grass in the summers.

As for the other items, pic out stuff your family can get you for birthdays and christmas or see what you can pick up from other divers when they upgrade to new gear. Your local dive shop might even help with this if they take trade in's.

Ya my 13th birthday is on march 4th so i have an opportunity to aquire some gear soon enough. I also heard that some dive shops will sell sets of thier rental gear, which is in fair condition, for a reasonable price. if i cant get some stuff for my birthday (my dad seems to think that he doesnt need any suggestions for my birthday present and really wants to just wing it) i have some reserves of money which i can spend on some cheap gear.
If your birthday is on March 4th, I wouldn't buy anything (that you couldn't return) before then. You might get what you want for your birthday.

Upgrades of rental gear is always a decent way to go if you're on a tight budget. I think my LSD is/was upgrading to new sets of rental gear. I can assume that they are selling off their old stuff. Let me know if you need more info as it's not local to you and I can get you the info (or give it to your parents since you are under 18).

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