A friend has ear wax pbs and he used to go to his physician twice yearly to get a "flush". Recently his physcian "gave" him a medication that he can use himself. It comes with an applicator top and is used monthly to cleanse his ears.
Interestly, prior to getting his twice annual rinses, he had hearing problems...now there are no excuses for....
Further, I had an ear infection this summer. And my ear is still sensative to altitude changes and seems to be sensative to colds. My physician told me that I would likely continue to have such sensativity because I had a little "scar" tissue from the infection. He also said that there were no problems with diving...just be sure to change depths with the usual care: i.e., if there is a problem equalizing, go up a few feet, etc. Since that has been my normal approach, nothing has changed in regard to techique.
Joewr...eh, what did you say?
Interestly, prior to getting his twice annual rinses, he had hearing problems...now there are no excuses for....
Further, I had an ear infection this summer. And my ear is still sensative to altitude changes and seems to be sensative to colds. My physician told me that I would likely continue to have such sensativity because I had a little "scar" tissue from the infection. He also said that there were no problems with diving...just be sure to change depths with the usual care: i.e., if there is a problem equalizing, go up a few feet, etc. Since that has been my normal approach, nothing has changed in regard to techique.
Joewr...eh, what did you say?