Now, I know you are in Singapore, but how difficult would it be for you to buy a few of the microcontrollers and program them, and resell them to poor fools like me who actually sort of know how to do that, but don't have access to the stuff, or want to take the time to write the program?
I'd be willing to pay for it....
Or, can you send me the code? And, format? is it? I think I've used...hex coding? before. (It's been a while. Oh, and the robot I was writing the code didn't work.)
I want to try building this! Electronics are no problem, mechanical stuff should be easy. so much...
Also, you don't show how you built the case for the battery (that's not too hard, I already have a .pdf that tells me how to do that
), where you mounted the circuit board (battery can, or light head?) and how you mounted the LED (reflector?) The picture on your blog was veyr small, can you host them somewhere and give us access to bigger ones?