I posted this to the Arms Control Wonk channel and came up with a couple interesting tidbits...
Dáil Éireann debate - Tuesday, 7 Feb 1989
That is the official Dail (legislative) answer on it.
Kowloon Bridge: Remembering the disaster that struck 30 years ago
Newspaper account of the sinking.
So the really interesting bit is that two years earlier the Ro/Ro ship Mont Louis sank in the English Channel and was carrying 450 tons os Hex bound for Riga in Latvia, which was then part of the Soviet Union. I don't know who was shipping hex to the USSR in 1984 or why, but that might be the origin of the story.
Dáil Éireann debate - Tuesday, 7 Feb 1989
That is the official Dail (legislative) answer on it.
Kowloon Bridge: Remembering the disaster that struck 30 years ago
Newspaper account of the sinking.
So the really interesting bit is that two years earlier the Ro/Ro ship Mont Louis sank in the English Channel and was carrying 450 tons os Hex bound for Riga in Latvia, which was then part of the Soviet Union. I don't know who was shipping hex to the USSR in 1984 or why, but that might be the origin of the story.
Mont Louis - Cedre