Moving to Tenerife

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soon to be tenerife
HI all i am about to move to Tenerife in the canaries,
I am a current Padi Staff instructor and a BSAC instructor, i would love to know if anyone knows what the laws out there are for running a dive school?

All help would be of help.


Hi desdiver, welcome to the Board. Go well with your moving! You will get your answers on Scubaboard.
Howdy and Welcome to!

We just had another Inst who is there now sign on here. You should find other locals...

Click Forums at the top to start checking all the choices, and try our :search: feature. Hope you enjoy your time here. Click my Username to PM me if I can help? Helpful Hint: I have UserCP bookmarked as the page I go to first when I come onto SB.

don :cowboy:

Im living in Puerto de Santiago, near to Los Gigantes. and from hunting around there is a little competion here but not a lot. I have met and spoken to the shops all but one seem very nice and well ran.


Im living in Puerto de Santiago, near to Los Gigantes. and from hunting around there is a little competion here but not a lot. I have met and spoken to the shops all but one seem very nice and well ran.



Hi DesdDiver.. I'm based on Radazul.. very near to Santa Cruz de Tenerife..

First of all , you need to register a company SL of a legal way ...

then ... you need to go to HACIENDA and to register your company to obtain a NIF to be able to do invoices. You need to refill the model 036 and 400 that activities economic and taxes. ... Any legal adviser can help in this

The Place that you take as a dive shop you need that the compressor and the tanks separated from the public. The compresor (instalation) must be controlated by 'INDUSTRIA' and obtain a positive certificate to fill the tanks.. ... the best way is to buy a cupboard of refill that sells BAUER directly and this one certified already by INDUSTRIA.

The ship must be in 6 ª, you have to present your instructor's titles and have your assurance in effect as well as an assurance of accidents for the dive center

You need a contract with the hiperbaric chamber from the Hospital of the North (Hospital universitario)

Finally you have to register in center in GOBIERNO DE CANARIAS to obtain the number of dive center like a legal center ..


This is in a very general way...

Good luck. If you need help .. contacts with us by the web DIVING IN TENERIFE

Best Regards!!:wink:

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