Moving to NYC

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Tulum, Mexico
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Hello.. I'm moving in a week or so to New York from the UK.

I'll be packing my drysuit and rec gear, but obviously not a tank/weights.

I would really appreciate some recommendations/must-sees and some tips on:

How easy is it to find a buddy on a boat?
How easy is it to get to typical boat marinas w/out a car?

Looking for wrecks. Wrecks. Wrecks. And it sounds like you guys have plenty of them.

Hi Toby

We do have lots of wrecks - I`m a relocated Brit also - getting out to the marinas without a car is close to impossible - but I have a couple of friends and we try and do a car rental share thing occasionally

Drop me a line when you get into town
Contact Hoboken Dive Center ( They are located right across the river from NYC. They run trips out of local marinas which are located about 60 miles from the shop. Usually you can alway hitch a ride down to the boat. Blue Fathoms is located nearby to the NJ Transit rail stop in Point Pleasant. Tony's website can be found at His season will be running until late Oct/early Nov. depending on the weather.

Also, check out some of the local dive clubs at It should be easy to hook up with someone heading out to either a boat or Dutch Springs for training/fun dives.
Hello.. I'm moving in a week or so to New York from the UK.

I'll be packing my drysuit and rec gear, but obviously not a tank/weights.

I would really appreciate some recommendations/must-sees and some tips on:

How easy is it to find a buddy on a boat?
How easy is it to get to typical boat marinas w/out a car?

Looking for wrecks. Wrecks. Wrecks. And it sounds like you guys have plenty of them.


My condolances.

YOu didn't indicate where you will be living. In Manhattan? (that's what we actually consider as "The City")

You said your packing your dry suit and rec gear, I hope you mis-spelled it and meant wreck gear.

There are boats in NJ and Brooklyn and SI (parts of NYC) as well as Long Island.
In addition to suggestions already made, check out
Eastern Dive Boat Association They have several member boats and list some w/o web sites of their own also.
Also not an EDBA member but good boat, Eagle's Nest
Thanks for the info.

You said your packing your dry suit and rec gear, I hope you mis-spelled it and meant wreck gear.

No,I meant 'rec', meaning that I 've not (yet) dived with a twinset, so if anyone was offering to go diving w/ me, they'd know that I was on a single tank.

I'll be in the city ;-)
Toby- Welcome to NY and the Wreck Valley club. I'm sure you'll find plenty of dive sites and buddies to match your skill level and equipment.

We have everything from safe bathtub diving (Dutch Springs), right up through the Andrea Doria and everything in between.

Let us know when you're settled in and ready to do some diving.....

Hello.. I'm moving in a week or so to New York from the UK.

I'll be packing my drysuit and rec gear, but obviously not a tank/weights.

I would really appreciate some recommendations/must-sees and some tips on:

How easy is it to find a buddy on a boat?
How easy is it to get to typical boat marinas w/out a car?

Looking for wrecks. Wrecks. Wrecks. And it sounds like you guys have plenty of them.


NJ Scuba Divers Message Board

Welcome to the area and be sure to dive in just as soon as you can since within the next 6 weeks or so the water starts its' downward spiral to winter conditions.

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