Most Pointless and Ridiculous Thread Ever on ScubaBoard!

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I'm still around. You staying up all night again?
Idk... We will find out soon enough...although i am sure going to bed at 6am-11am cant be good for my growing body...
Just chillin with my amazing cat in bed... On SB via my cell phone in the dark talking to all whats going on at the hospital tonight?
Btw how often do "code blue"s arise? Not as often as Discovery Health channel Life in the ER make it seem right?.. At least I would hope not
1 of 3 things go on when you leave this thread tanked.. Either dinner, a patient, or exploring other threads... Which is fine... I am just being silly, although it may seem like I make a big deal out of when no one posts here, but its me being silly, i don't have this illness where I get depressed when nobody posts.. Just for future records...although I do highly enjoy everybodys company
Btw how often do "code blue"s arise? Not as often as Discovery Health channel Life in the ER make it seem right?.. At least I would hope not

Nowhere near as often as it happens on tv. And it never happens that way either. Real hospital life is much more boring than tv
And attention... More so as the day progresses, and my Vyvanse 100mg (ADHD meds) wears off...
1 of 3 things go on when you leave this thread tanked.. Either dinner, a patient, or exploring other threads... Which is fine... I am just being silly, although it may seem like I make a big deal out of when no one posts here, but its me being silly, i don't have this illness where I get depressed when nobody posts.. Just for future records...although I do highly enjoy everybodys company

Well sometimes I have to pee too.

Just dont go killing yourself because i have a small bladder
I should know better... Even though my grand father is an Orthopedic Surgeon, my grand mother a Pchycologist, and other grand father a Pchyitrist (pardon my spelling), I never really asked one of them...
don't worry, I have to much going for me, and to many things I wanna do, see, be, and places I wanna go to be even thinking even remotely of any sucidal thoughts lol...

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