Most Pointless and Ridiculous Thread Ever on ScubaBoard!

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Ummm... I don't if anything it should be changed to "Meow!"
:idk::eyebrow::depressed::police: :turd::angrymob::maniac::rofl3: :banghead::trainwreck::shower: :admingreet::panicbutton::grammartime::crying: :beer:
Hey Irishsquid!!!!
Yeah, I'm still awake. Damn snow keeps sliding off my new steel roof landing on the back deck. Sounds like deer jumping around and I know its too early for Santa!
Hello ShakaZulu,

it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?

Well, guess this is a good place to post then...:)
Mmmmeeeeoooowwww!!!!.... :tired: :sleeping: :sleeping2:

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