Morehead Dive Report 7/14-15

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Randy g

Reaction score
Virginia Beach, Va
# of dives
200 - 499
WOW is the best way to explain, in one word, this dive trip...........simply WOW!

Morehead City and Tortuga Dive Charters never fail to deliver. We were invited by Andy Beaton with Wreck Diving Adventures to head out on Capt James smooth riding 6 pack. The Capt was the first one to get us out this season after almost a dozen cancellations here in VB and he knows this area like the back of his hand. We decided to head east out past the shoals to hit the Atlas and Carib Sea the first day and Naeco and Papoose the second day.

For Kate and I it was 3 new wrecks and one that we really, really like, so it was a total WIN this weekend. As our first dives since my dive buddy Kevin K passed away last month it was rather emotional for both of us at points. Both of us were looking forward to splashing again and gertting into the warm blue waters that this area is famous for.

Day one

Atlas was first on this weekends hit list and a first for Kate and I. Great wreck with nice structure and a bunch of sea life. Honestly, I do not remember this dive all that much because of the one to follow, The Caribsea.

Second dive took us to The Caribsea and it was on!! Sharks gaaaaalore!!!! I jumped in before Kate and went to the hang bar to wait. I looked down maybe 30-40 ft to a carpet of Sand Tigers, I kid you not, 15-20 directly below me. I was amazed and when I finally looked up to see if Kate had splashed yet. First thought out of my grey matter was "What is Kate going to do?" Being the tough, "can do" aussie that she is, she splashed and swam down to the hang bar keeping eye contact with me. Upon grabbing the rope, she looked past me and her eyes were like silver dollars! I looked her over, threw a OK in her face, she grinned back and gave me a OK :D and we decended into the shark layer on the way down to the wreck. Thermocline was at about 60-70' and the sharks were hanging above the wreck, in mid water. That alone was fascinating to see and made the dive for us.

Water temps on the bottom were 72/74 on my computer and vis was about 40-50 on each wreck. Top layer was very clear but after dipping below the thermocline the temps dropped a little.

Second day we headed south to the Naeco and Papoose.

The Naeco was new to both of us and was a new depth limit for us as well. We loved the structure and sea life on board. It was very clear with vis in the 60-70' range and temps of 81 on the bottom. I will go back to this wreck with gas and gear for longer bottom times and for further exploring.

The Papoose is one of my favorites in this area. It is a turtled wreck that has a clean break and a HUGE hold exposed. It was a sharky dive and one I always enjoy. I eliminated 2 lion fish with my new pole spear (only ones I saw) and it felt pretty damn good! We saw a sea horse that Tom pointed out to us and has a nice video of, that was a first for us in Morehead waters. Scott saw another one somewhere else on the wreck as well. Temps were 75 on the Papoose and vis was about 40-50.

Overall the weekend could not have been better for us. We saw new wrecks, new sea life and explored new depths and the best part about the trip was that everyone onboard had equally as good a time. Big THANKS to Andy for the invite, Capt James for the charter and Tom, Scott and Brian for being a great group of guys to dive with. :cool2: Kate and I had a EXCELLENT time!!!!:D:D
Glad you had a good time. I hope to take a trip like that someday and see the sand tiger sharks. Also glad you posted the water temp.s; good to know.

It was a most excellent trip. Caribsea was awesome, but the vis on the Papoose was absolutely phenomenal.

Hey Randy, this is TomT!!!!! Haven't posted here in awhile, but still registered.

I do remember the Atlas, the vis was a bit foggy down low, but clean water on top of the wreck. Lots of sharks. I think more than the Caribsea, but the low vis kept them out of sight. There were so many sharks, it was hard to scooter without running into them...because of the foggy vis. I found 25 sheds on the Atlas dive. I had a great weekend, and it was great diving with you and Kate and the rest of the VBeach crowd.


The above is an overview of the trip, there is a bit of all the wrecks in there, or the scenery around them. I don't have much from the Naeco, I had a leaking manifold and cut my dive when it was discovered.
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Nice Video! Thanks! Making my first trip to Willmington Aug 4th! Can't wait!
A dive I did on the Caribsea in the late 90's still ranks as one of my top five of all time... out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow or something that didn't look just right, and when I looked over, I saw something like forty or fifty sharks... I've never been in as much awe of anything underwater in my life. I still get chills thinking about it! There is something special about NC diving, that's for sure. The Caribsea will always hold a special place in my heart. So glad you guys had such a great experience!

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