I cut one of the oval holes in the hood to a rectangular hole. Cut a piece of DUAL-LOCK the same size as the hole in the hood, using a soldering iron to melt a hole about 2 and a half mm in diameter in it and stuck it on the strobe, lining the hole up over the sensor. Then I cut a piece of hard rubber about the same size as the piece of DUAL-LOCK and about a quarter inch thick, drilled a hole in it a hair smaller in diameter than the cable and pushed the fiber optic cable through the hole, leaving about two mm of bare cable protruding. It has a nice, tight friction fit. Then I put another piece of DUAL-LOCK, similar to the first, on the hard rubber. I line up the fiber optic 'tail' with the hole in the DUAL-LOCK on the strobe and BINGO !! I had it out and it's easy to set up, fires every time, won't shift and is simple and easily fixed in the field if need be. I'm getting another length of fiber optic cable to make another set up so I have a spare in my case. This all took about ten minutes to make once I decided that was the route I was going.