I'm glad you will use them. Sandra is not really "wired" to shoot anything other than marine life shots, so the team stuff here was all I could pull from her on this go round..
If any of you guys want a full size image you can print, let me know and I can send the full sized tif ... These can print with perfect clarity up to around 24 by 36 inches.
On another note, please see if your team wants to do a trip in one of the weeks soon after Easter....
As much as I *love* pictures of myself (kidding

I'd love to make another trip down, and I'll make sure to spread the word. Unfortunately it doesn't look like it's in the cards for me.
As for food:
Breakfast: I liked the breakfast at the Hilton. If they would throw in the warm stuff - scrambled eggs and such - for the same price that we paid - about $10 I think. Of course less would be fine with me too

Dinner: I liked the bar menu at Hilton. Their Cob and Chicken/Brie salads were huge and very tasty. And not unreasonably priced either. Of course I'm in NYC, so my price perspective is probably quite biased. If they could make a Diver Menu with somewhat similar items, but maybe a tad simpler to drop the price that would be good too. I would bias the menu towards quality food and maybe a bit less of it versus inexpensive but "less good" food.
I don't really know how that would compare with the various fast food places you mention.
Hope this helps,