More nudibranchs, I'm afraid

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Missing Diva.
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Western Australia
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I'm a Fish!
It's been like the nudibranch population exploded here lately! I just can't stop myself:

Hypselodoris maculosa - the only other ones I have seen of this type were much more pinky-purple, so am assuming this is a life stage or colour variation. Very cool whatever!


And another Moridilla bullockii - these guys aren't absolutely everywhere, but there are a few on most dive sites lately, it seems. I love their texture and colours so I almost always try a few frames just in case something "works"!


You sure you didn't get Nude Slobber all over your lens?!?! Wow!

Yeah...what's that critter in the background?
Last year about this time I was on the Nekton in Belize. My dive buddy called me over to look at coral head and what did I see but two nudis about to consummate their love. I fired off one quick and unfortunately overexposed shot (below) and then called another diver over to take a look. Figuring I'd get closer and shoot a few more shots after he was done.


That was a mistake. This guy was a brand new diver. There was a tiny bit of current so he felt the need to stabilize himself by grabbing a hold of the coral head. Not with one finger but with a full hand grab.

Now this part I still haven't figured out. He seemed to feel the need to kick and started kicking and ended up describing and arc over the coral head. Imagine him starting out on a horizontal at 9:00 on the face of clock. He went from 9:00 to 3:00 and back again. I've never seen anything like it. Then he swam off. Needless to say my little friends weren't there when I went back.

My buddy (who's an instructor) had a talk with the guy after the dive. He was a nice guy and had absolutely no idea he'd done anything wrong. My buddy knew an instructor in his area and talked him into taking an AOW class. Whoever certified the guy the first time didn't do a very good job. We're hoping that with a little better training that he'll turn into a good diver.

Hopefully, I'll get another chance when I go back to Belize in March. If not I guess I'll have to schedule a trip to Ningaloo reef 'cause I want some nudi shots like yours really badly.
Ya know ... if the slugs in my garden looked so good I wouldn't spend so much effort trying to feed them cheap beer ... :wink:

I spent the past two days diving the San Juan Islands ... here's some of my post T-day nudi shots ...






... Bob (Grateful Diver)

PS - how do y'all get your pics to show up inline like that?
PS - how do y'all get your pics to show up inline like that?

Put them in your SB gallery, and reference the location.

Right click on her pics, and you'll see the SB Gallery location. You can do the same in your posts once its here in the SB gallery. I belive that feature works with your stuff in residence on any online gallery (not just an SB one... PBase, etc.) but I'm not sure. I am sure it works with pics from your SB gallery.

Right click on the gallery thumb and click "properties" - then copy the URL and paste it into your post with IMG & /IMG at the front and back. Be sure it has the .jpg extension. I edited your first few links so you could see how it looks.

If I'm blowing it and this wasn't your question, slap me and change it back.... sorry.


PS: nice pics bob. Add in the PNW difficulty factor and they get "A's" in my book! Were these with your little P&S, or do you have another rig?

PPS: killer shots, Alcina (as always...) - very inspiring.
Thanks Ken ... that answered the question.

Those were with my trusty l'il point-n-shoot. The last two were in poor vis (8-10 feet) on our final dive yesterday ... the current was kicking up the bottom pretty well. Doesn't seem to make much difference though when your subject is only a couple of inches distant ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Thanks Ken ... that answered the question.

Those were with my trusty l'il point-n-shoot. The last two were in poor vis (8-10 feet) on our final dive yesterday ... the current was kicking up the bottom pretty well. Doesn't seem to make much difference though when your subject is only a couple of inches distant ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

I've done tons of macro shots with Jaye's little P&S. Now that I've finally housed up the D70 I still use it occasionally for macros in tight places. They're great for that.

Love the shots.


Sony P&S Macro

Nudis rock!!!!!!

I have to apologize for this one. Parents, you might want to cover the kids' eyes, because we have absolutely pornographic nudi action going on in this one:

The horror!!

Not my favorite in quality, but there's like four of them, including the rainbow in the middle! Others from the home haunts:

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