I trained with another airline as a hostess before training with my current employers. I still have the Crew Safety Training Manual from the first course I did and have attached a photo of part of the manual - it made me chuckle.
For those who can't read it - the circumstances are that you've landed on water, evacuated and a shark is lurking :
"Sharks are scavengers, but have been known to attack swimmers and rafts etc. Therefore when a shark is sighted, take the following action:
- Stop fishing
- Remain still and keep quiet
- If it comes too close, try to it on the snout with CREW SAFETY TRAINING MANUAL.
Please bear in mind this manual is not small, its a ring binder full of this kind of advice and is kept locked in our crew bags, in an overhead hatrack. I'm sure if we landed on water thats the first thing I'll want to take me with !!!!????!!!!!!
It made me chuckle so I thought I'd share!
For those who can't read it - the circumstances are that you've landed on water, evacuated and a shark is lurking :
"Sharks are scavengers, but have been known to attack swimmers and rafts etc. Therefore when a shark is sighted, take the following action:
- Stop fishing
- Remain still and keep quiet
- If it comes too close, try to it on the snout with CREW SAFETY TRAINING MANUAL.
Please bear in mind this manual is not small, its a ring binder full of this kind of advice and is kept locked in our crew bags, in an overhead hatrack. I'm sure if we landed on water thats the first thing I'll want to take me with !!!!????!!!!!!
It made me chuckle so I thought I'd share!