Monitor National Marine Sanctuary Update

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Frisco, NC
The Monitor National Marine Sanctuary (MNMS) has released a draft of the revised management plan and this plan is posted on the MNMS web site (Draft Management Plan link). This plan updates the status of the MNMS management plans and makes statements about the future plans for the MNMS. One important section of this Draft Management Plan for NC wreck divers is the “Expansion Action Plan” (EAP) which starts on page 102 of the Draft Management Plan.

The EAP is the first public step in expansion of the MNMS to include many of the shipwrecks that are visited by sport divers on dive boats operating from Oregon, Hatteras and Beaufort Inlets, NC. If the MNMS is expanded it will have an effect on how we dive on these sites.

Stated in the Draft EAP is that “Any decision to move forward with a possible expansion of the MNMS will include a multi-year process and include numerous public meetings and workshops, advisory council and public input and a public review of all proposals.”

No proposed boundaries of an expanded MNMS or specific shipwrecks are listed in this document. The boundaries of an expanded MNMS may not yet be determined or NOAA does not choose to place their goals in the public purview at this time. During the past several summer seasons NOAA has surveyed many of the wreck sites near the MNMS ranging from the U-701 site off Avon to several sites off Morehead. They have posted videos, stills and blogs from these expeditions on their web sites. This is Activity 1.1 in the “Strategy” section (page 105) of the EAP and has been underway for some time.

Go to the MNMS web site and read the document for yourself so that you understand what is being proposed. Then you must make your opinions known to NOAA using the methods outlined on their web site.

It is important to note that if this Sanctuary Expansion Plan is successful whatever area eventually included in an expanded MNMS will be subjected to all regulations of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act, 15CFR Part 922, as well as any regulations specifically designed to control activities in the expanded MNMS sanctuary. Verbal statements by anyone about what will be allowed are just that and do not have the effect of law – the rules and regulations of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act do and penalties for violations of those rules can have severe consequences. Once a Marine Sanctuary is established, changes to the rules can and do occur.

There will be several public meetings to discuss this draft management plan over the next month and the dates and locations are listed on the NMMS site link above. You can make your position on anything in this draft management plan known by attending a meeting, Email, US mail, or by going to the government web portal for comments. Instructions are all on the NOAA MNMS site.

Once this Draft Management Plan is adopted and the public phase of the EAP is underway, we as a community of divers must participate in the scoping meetings that MNMS is required to conduct concerning the expansion efforts. Failure to stay informed or participate ensures that we have no voice in the final outcome of the regulations that will significantly change how we are able to visit the shipwreck sites.
Here is the link to Monitor/NOAA website you can download the Draft Management Plan and read it. It is nearly 200 pages the first 100 is some chest beating about he Monitor. The important stuff starts on page 102.

The dates and locations are for questions and answer meetings please plan to attend the future of wreck diving and wreck fishing lay in the balance:

With the release of the Draft Management Plan, we invite you to review the document and to make comment. Commenting period is 60 day and ends June 15, 2012 (this may change). There are a variety of ways to submit comments:

  1. Electronically to the Federal eRulemaking Portal: with Docket Number NOAA-NOS-2012-0076
  2. By email to
  3. By fax to 757-591-7353
  4. In writing to the Monitor NMS Management Plan Review Coordinator at 100 Museum Drive, Newport News, VA 23606
  5. Attend a public scoping meeting at one of the following locations
    • April 30, 6:30 p.m., Raleigh, N.C., NC Museum of History, 5 East Edenton Street, Raleigh, N.C. 27601
    • May 1, 6:30 p.m., Wilmington, N.C., NC Maritime Museum, 204 E Moore Street, Southport, N.C. 28461
    • May 2, 6:30 p.m., Beaufort, N.C., NC Maritime Museum, 315 Front Street, Beaufort, N.C. 28516
    • May 3, 6:30 p.m., Nags Head, N.C., Jennette's Pier, Milepost 16.5, Nags Head, NC 7223
    • May 4, 2:00 p.m., Newport News, Va., The Mariners' Museum, 100 Museum Drive, Newport News, Va. 23606

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