Zoe83:jrdivagrl, I am terrible at saving money, but I do a lot of spending so I know where to get it! i reccomend you get a high paying job, usually found in a large company, even if you dont like it, or get a few part time jobs on a casual wage, if you want to have an expensive hobby, and save for uni at the same time. I get what other people have been saying about responsibilities and laws, but hey if it will make you happy to see it everyday then get one! and perhaps it will remind you of why you want to be a marine biologist when times are tough, so it can be classified as a motivational tool also . I didnt know you could have one at home, now I want one too! It would be very cool to see what it learns.
This is way way bizzare. Its not a TOY! Im so ashamed this is in womans topics. It would be cool to see what you could learn if I kept you in a cage also. Geesh. Its a living thing not a barbie doll.