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jrdivagrl, I am terrible at saving money, but I do a lot of spending so I know where to get it! i reccomend you get a high paying job, usually found in a large company, even if you dont like it, or get a few part time jobs on a casual wage, if you want to have an expensive hobby, and save for uni at the same time. I get what other people have been saying about responsibilities and laws, but hey if it will make you happy to see it everyday then get one! and perhaps it will remind you of why you want to be a marine biologist when times are tough, so it can be classified as a motivational tool also ;). I didnt know you could have one at home, now I want one too! It would be very cool to see what it learns.

This is way way bizzare. Its not a TOY! Im so ashamed this is in womans topics. :( It would be cool to see what you could learn if I kept you in a cage also. Geesh. Its a living thing not a barbie doll.
Ron- I have had a huge amount of "exotic" pets. all which had surpassed their age expectancy. I currently have a parrot and a dog. I think getting an octo will contribute to my education.

What happened to the other "huge amount " of exotic pets? I have 2 dogs 2 cats and a Bun but that dosnt mean Im qualified or should try to even keep an octi. Some animals are domesticated and some should be left alone for professionals to study? From the way you talk I take it you want this as a pet?
Thanks ScubaTwo...I feel the same way. Please leave this poor animal where it belongs..and all these pet shops should also do the same in their natural habitat.
I know it isnt a toy, and would require a big commitment, i am not a person who would think so simply. I wrote what i did because to me its obvious jrdivagrl has already thought it through, except for the money part. and i would think it through thoroughly before i bought one as well. and it is true, it would be cool to see what it learns, especially for a person studying marine biology. also, if they are already in the pet store why not buy one and give it a good home? I'm sure there are fools out there who will buy it as a gimmick and neglect it, at least if someone studying marine biology buys it, you know it will be well cared for. its unfortunate that a lot of animals are sold as pets outside their natural habitat, but it still goes on. I wouldnt pluck an animal out of the wild and keep it for my personal satisfaction, but if they are already here & available it isnt like if you dont buy one the trade will stop. there will always be people interested enough to fund it.
also, if they are already in the pet store why not buy one and give it a good home?

Because to many ppl think that way and it keeps supporting that industry. If you want to study them you would probobly learn alot more if you observe them in their natural habitat. Most wild creatures dont act the same in captivity.
Well its true that they may act differently, but it would be better than nothing, or planning a diving trip every time youd want to see it.
Well its true that they may act differently, but it would be better than nothing, or planning a diving trip every time youd want to see it.

Well as long as you get to "see" it whenever you want thats all that matters. Right?
it isnt like if you dont buy one the trade will stop

Supply and demand... If enough people saw sense and didn't buy one, there wouldn't be enough demand to justify selling them...

On the one hand, I think it's a shame that everyone has jumped on this girl for wanting to keep one as a pet when she's actually only asked for some advice on how to make money quickly.

On the other hand... I really don't agree with keeping them as pets. They should be left in the wild, in their natural habitats, where they belong.

I'm a marine biologist myself and trust me, anything you learn from keeping one as a pet is NOT going to help you get a degree in marine biology!! It would be in a completely unnatural environment and therefore exhibit unnatural behaviours. If you really want to help yourself learn, and cephalopods are your amin interest, go buy soem books, reserach them on the internet, read scientific papers (journals) and learn more about their natural behaviours, physiology, etc... THAT will help you later with your degree.

That's my 2 cents anyway...
As a tip, when you set up your tank, run 4"-6" of astroturf around the inside of the top of the tank. It'll keep the little guy from escaping.

Just as an aside. Until a couple of years ago, Flying Fish express sold and shipped Blue Ring Octopi, which are deadly.

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