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Really. I use the bank ATM's in the municipal building, I shield my hands when I key in my PIN, and in the unlikely event my card gets scammed in spite of my precautions my credit union protects me. And then I relax and enjoy my vacation.
If you want authority, how about this article from an ATM security expert warning "Don't use the ATMs in Mexico".

When in Mexico, don’t use the ATMs

All you need to do is google "ATMs Hacked in Mexico" to find plenty of evidence that various hacks, from false fronts on legitimate ATMs with card readers and minicams to capture PINs (several of these were found in Puerto Vallarta in 2015) to Bluetooth enabled electronics that transmit ATM Card info and Customer PINs to waiting thieves (a number of these were found in the ATMs in the lobbies of various resorts from Cancun to Playa del Carmen again in 2015), have been used on Mexican ATMs, and not JUST the Casholas. Even Bank ATMs located outside of a Bank, where scammers can attach false fronts with card readers and pinhole video cams HAVE been hacked, not just in Mexico, but in the U.S. as well. Sure, the ATMs in a bank lobby, at the Mega, and at the Chedraui are ALMOST certainly safe (unless the employee of the ATM company was bribed to include malware in the ATM programming, another risk described in various security reports). But those are a small minority of the ATMs available on Cozumel. And not all tourists do their due diligence before heading to Mexico to know that they probably should NOT use the freestanding ATM at the end of the Cruise Ship Pier when they first get off the boat. Your use of the term "fake news" to describe a phenomenon that does exist but that you'd rather ignore is just inappropriate.

Re: Bluetooth

I read the article, from beginning to end. You might want to read the last few paragraphs of that story. No ATM's were affected that I and everyone else recommends. They were all in relatively remote, private locations. I wonder why the author would choose those particular ATM's to expose this massive fraud? I happen to think that the whole article was fraudulent. It makes for a somewhat entertaining read though.

Re: Due diligence.

I for one, have no sympathy for anyone who doesn't do their due diligence, regardless of where, who, what and when. Ignoring due diligence is lazy and ignorant; (please note that I did not say stupid). Ufortunately, when there are consequences, they typically scream "victim" the loudest.

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