Hey everyone, I just wanted to send out a Happy Holidays greetings from the Nekton Pilot, and take a moment to talk about how the diving has been the past four weeks we have been here. First I would like to mention that I have put a ton of pictures, as well as a nice short video of the diving here on our facebook account. To access us there just make us a friend. Also the Mona Video is also posted on our YouTube account, to which you can get to at youtube.com and search for the Nekton Pilot Channel .. so check those out. The diving I think has been awesome. But of course I am going to say that right ?? ha ha .. No really it has been good .. The thing that tends to make or break the trip is the surface conditions. 2 - 4 foot seas and a somewhat strong surface current tends to be pretty popular here, BUT, if you can conquer that and get a good way onto the boat, below the 20ft mark is some really incredible diving. My first week in Mona, we spent well over 45 mins. with a 15 ft Manta, saw 4 Turtles, 5 Nurse Sharks, a Reef shark and TONS of fish of every color and size, not to mention the 100+ foot CLEAR visibility. Now the trend here seems to be around 70 -80 ft, but it is usually clear, so for all you photographers, it gets rid of that dust that tends to show up in between you and your pretty subjects. Oh yea I forgot, we also saw some Humpback Whales here yesterday, AND there was once a Whale Shark,although I wont talk that up because we have not seen one yet. But the diving is worth it, Underwater you get this amazing topography or giant rocks and pillars, and the coral life is magnificent, and then of course the topside view of this spectacular, uninhabited, white sand beach, giant rising rock pillar Island is a bonus. And lets not forget the sunsets, and lack of light from the land at night that add spectacular topside views. Anyway I just wanted to throw some of those points in. Again the only real downside is the touchy surface conditions, but other than that I think we had maybe one dive that had about 50 foot viz, and even to tropical veterans, thats not so bad. So if anyone has any questions, feel free to send them my way, and of course dont forget to check out our youtube and facebook for constant video and photo updates. See you all soon !!