Modifying an S600 reg

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Louisville Kentucky
Would modifying an S600 with a 40 inch hose and swivels (similar to Sherwood Maximus) cause any problems? I was very impressed by these features on the Maximus but have been advised that the S600 is a better reg and can be easily modified with these features.
Would modifying an S600 with a 40 inch hose and swivels (similar to Sherwood Maximus) cause any problems? I was very impressed by these features on the Maximus but have been advised that the S600 is a better reg and can be easily modified with these features.

You can replace the hose very easily and it won't impede the function of the reg. I have a 6' hose on mine. I would not use a swivel on a reg as its not necessary. But, that too should work as long as the threads are correct, or however it attaches.

the add on swivels are heavy but they work
Would modifying an S600 with a 40 inch hose and swivels (similar to Sherwood Maximus) cause any problems? I was very impressed by these features on the Maximus but have been advised that the S600 is a better reg and can be easily modified with these features.

I would suggest that you research the DIR approach with a single tank rig. The hose configuration is very simple, and highly efficient. All of my dives are made with such an approach, and it is the most logical system that I've seen in my 29 years of active diving.

Greg Barlow
Former Science Editor for Rodale's Scuba Diving Magazine
For recreational diving, here's what I've done, and found no swivel necessary.

Adding a Scubapro bubble deflector to the exhaust tee of my G500 and using this configuration gave me the things I liked about my original Maximus, without the things I didn't like. I suppose I could call this DIWWD setup - it's been confirmed as not "normal".

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