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I'm a little curious Annie,

Do you use a MAC and Final Cut to edit like all the other video gurus out there? If I get more serious about doing uw video and editing, are my days numbered with my Dell and Sony Vegas? Say it ain't so.

I waited to respond because I did not want to spread rumors but the mac pro was just announced with a 12 core processor. I use final cut and mac and have since they came out more than a decade ago. It changed desktop editing and if you buy at an apple store you get ten free classes with your computer. The entry level is easy to use, but always go for a class to teach you how to use this!!!
Thanks Annie.

Maybe I'll get one before next July so Steve Douglas can teach it to me when I go with him to Cocos!
The problem with computers and technology these days is that as soon as you buy the top of the line, the following week a bigger, badder and better computer comes out. I just bought a new 8 core 2 weeks ago and then came the announcement of the 12 core. Oh well, no big deal. In terms of FCP, while more cores are always nice, FCP can only handle 2.5 gigs ram anyway since it was build on an old 32 bit foundation. The new Adobe CS5 is 64 bit, which is great, but most people will probably have to buy a higher end video card to take advantage of the Mercury engine that is the basis of the new Adobe line.

Lastly, I have never found a single Apple store representative who really knows Final Cut Pro beyond the very basics if at all. Most of them are little more than salesman/woman. While I am Apple certified in FCP, being certified doesn't mean you know how to teach it. Rather than a salesman, I really believe it is better to take lessons from someone who is regularly using the app and really knows how to break things down in a way the newbie can understand rather than talk over your head and throw around a bunch of techno babble that will only serve to confuse and overwhelm you . Of course, and especially for someone who is new, if you don't practise every day, you will soon forget everything. Even now, sometimes I will look at an old film with an effect I created in FC, Motion or AE and wonder how I did that. I can usually figure it out but for the new editor, forgetaboutit.
While I have had people fly me to their homes to give private lessons, that can be very expensive. Fortunately, iChat, one of the apps that comes with all Apple computers allows me to take over another persons computer or they can see what I am doing on mine and I have taught many students that way. Of course, for you Ash, its free on me. Let me know when you want to buy and I will try to get it for you a bit cheaper. That also goes for any photo or video gear for everyone reading this.
I have a question for everyone about their current editing programs. Is their some feature or effect that it does not have that you wish it did ? Have you seen a video or movie effect that you wish you could do on your editing program, but can't ?

I wish color correction would be easier and quicker, but I know it's not fair to compare photo correction to video correction. Video is 24 individual pictures for every second of video, so it's an unrealistic wish.
The one thing I wish my software had was more "WOW" when it comes to doing titles and texts. Of course I'm sure it all can be had if you buy the professional level software be it Vegas Pro, Final Cut or whatever. But I've seen some really great looking intro's where the title looks like it dissolves into the ocean/sea and stuff like that. But that's really all I can think of. My Sony Vegas 10 Production Suite really does all I ask it to do and I'm sure has plenty in reserve.
Yeah, have to agree on the titles. Mine seem kind of blah compared to others. Not sure if it's the limitation of Vegas or my lack of knowledge on how to use the title tools.
Yeah. I saw a really cool one once where the title kind of floated down from the sky in a wavy fashion and you couldn't read it until it settled on the water. When it hit the water a few ripples went out. Then it just sank beneath the water.
While Final Cut Pro has its own text generators, it also comes with Boris text. I use Boris all the time because the text is vector based and thus of much higher quality. To really master creative text you can buy Boris software (but I don't since they have a high learning curve) or learn how to create all kinds of text applications in Adobe After Effects or Final Cuts Motion. Unfortunately, Red Giant has not upgraded their Psunami software for CS5 but in CS4 it works perfectly. Psuanami was originally created by Digital Anarchy and then sold to Red Giant and I have used it for many years. Digital Anarchy now focuses on plug ins for Photoshop and stills and they are of excellent quality so head over to their website.
Unfortunately, for the Sony users, there are not many 3rd party plug in producers. For Adobe and Apple there are a million to choose from and there are a certain number of 3rd party plug ins I absolutely love and some I just give away.
Below are two films whose opening titles were made in After Effects using Psuanami and, for Signed and Sealed, the title was created using Motion. They were both very time consuming to make but a ton of fun. You have to love the editing process or else it will be a drudge. Glad I like it.

Just Being Playful on Vimeo
Signed and Sealed on Vimeo

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