Thank you for mentioning our dive expo, and your assumption is correct. First of all attendance was light and those that did attend were not the ones that needed it. Much like those divers that will pay for a guide or refresher tend not to be the ones with the greatest need. We thought that this would be the case going in, but that is not a reason, to not do the Rodeo. We felt the best we could do is help create an atmosphere where safety matters and this would be an improvement.
As far as the message that is sent, KADO (not all members), may have been our biggest obstacle. Many of their contigancy felt that the "DIVE ALIVE" message was too strong. Any mention, that it is possible to die while scuba diving was met with resistance. We had orriginally posted the accident reports for the Keys for 05 & 06 and they had the proverbial sea cow.
This past week DEMA sent an e-mail to its members requesting them not to publicly comment on the dive deaths during mini-season, but to let DEMA handle it as to not scare potential business away.
I believe that diving is a safe sport, otherwise I would not have trained so many people to do it, but I believe divers need to be reminded of the dangers of complaceancy and arrogance. I believe that this can be a good thing for the shops as it encourages divers to get additional training.
Safe Dives
aka Bob Guhl
Chairman: Florida Keys Safe Dive Initiative
Bob, I think that getting the word out directly to the divers is a positive step. Any consideration to direct mail or direct e-mail to eveyone who pays for a lobster endorsement on their fishing license? The state collects the applicants personal information. Sending divers a well designed and informative safety message from an official source, and a strong recommendation to attend the Rodeo or other safety event could be a progressive next step. Let me know if I can help.