Mie prefect. + diving = no dice?

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baltimore, md
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25 - 49
Hey folks,

been a while since i posted, i just found out ill be residing in yokkaichi when i arrive in jpn. Based on the Google Earth photography i dont think this port city would be conducive to diving unless i want to play chicky with a supertanker prop. Do any of you guys know/ have heard of diving around this vicinity/ prefecture. The gut feeling im getting from the internet is that the izu penninsula is the closest thing worth diving. You guys feel the same way? Finally, Mars Scuba, anyone had experience with this outfit ? I understand they dive Izu alot. Thanks!

I've heard there there are indeed places to dive in both Gifu and Mie. Haven't been yet myself, but I'll PM you when I find out the beach names.
I know that Garuda dive shop in Nagoya (near Hatta Station...one block East) takes guided dives out that way. (81) 483-1651
Shop staff don't speak English, but said their dive leader spent a few years in the States and can get by.
Me again. Found the "menu" from Garuda and these are the places they have listed in Mie:

Beach Dives

Boat Dives

Had my GF translate for me....can't handle that Kanji myself.
I've never been out there, but those are definitely dive sites. Hope it helps.

We at JUE dive Izu and have one Divemaster down in Nagoya joining us quite often. Yohkaichiya is south of Nagoya but you may be able to hook up with him. His name at SB is Umiushi. JUE are more into advanced diving and pro training. Marscuba, as well as Jagfish, dive Izu as well.

Hey folks,

been a while since i posted, i just found out ill be residing in yokkaichi when i arrive in jpn. Based on the Google Earth photography i dont think this port city would be conducive to diving unless i want to play chicky with a supertanker prop. Do any of you guys know/ have heard of diving around this vicinity/ prefecture.


hi kevin,

on the contary to your gut feeling, there are several excellent diving sites closer than Izu. they are KUSHIMOTO, NANKI-SHIRAHAMA and others located on the southern tip of Kii Pennisula. i myself have visited them several times and can recommend Seamans Club at Kushimoto. it's well organized with nine staff members, and the owner mr Shimano is an excelletn guide, too. they have nothing to do with Seamans Club in Ishigaki Island.

it takes five hours from nagoya and prob four from yokkaichi by car. their email address is seamans@aikis.or.jp

ken chung ar
thanks everyone for their input, like always i appreciate the heads up,

ken- is kushimoto , and the others located in a relatively remote area, or are they located in more populated areas ( i.e. would a train or other public transport system more than likely run to those areas) thanks, oh and how was the diving? any details you can remember ( water temp, vis. currents etc.) happy diving

hi kevin,

sure, you can use JR KISEI honsen to SHINGU, then change trains to JR KINOKUNI sen. you get off at Kushimoto Station. it takes four hours and a half by a superexpress from Nagoya, so it's probably less than four hours from Yokkaichi.

the shop staff will pick you up at the station, so don't worry about the transportation from there.

the diving condition in december, when i visited there, was moderate currents and warm water (20 degrees in C). the vis was about 10m. i saw shrimps. gobies, etc. that was not a good season for large pelagics, but you may see tunas, too.

ken chung ar

i am leaving japan in a few hours to Cocos. boy, i am feeling happier than EVER.

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