Mid-day/fullday, unlimited dives with dive courses In phuket?

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good to hear that you got a package sorted out.

so are these "unlimited trips" really that ?? you can go diving every day for as often as you want by yourself or sumply following another dm or instructor around or are the "unlimited" free diving trips ones where you are actually "guiding" paying guests?

It would be interesting to hear the answer.

Also if you fancy adding some dives to your logbook there is a small group of us of that regularly head off for some "fun" dives here in Phuket. Diving yourself and not having to follow the group or get out in 45 minutes cos thats the max time the boat will allow is much more enjoyable :)

In fact on some of the shore diving here you get to see more than you do on some of the dive boats as there is no one hurrying you along.

We are all a bit busy this month so next full day trip is planned on the 26th of the month ( last sunday of the month) The plan so far is to head to king cruiser for about 10 am, spend 4 hours on site allowing those doing rec dives to get a good couple in and those doing tec to get some decent bottom time before heading over to another site for a few hours there, then back to Chalong.

Its not free I am afraid as we spilt the cost of hiring the boat between us - should wotk out slightly under 2k this time but you will actually get to do more than the 45 minute tour.


**edited** to add that actually if you want some things for free then as you will be diving with a boat load of instructors I am sure one of us will happily help you along your way to Master Scuba Diver with a specialty or so.

You can just pay for the PIC and any manual required and when you are doing the dives we will run through the skills that are required for you. (Sticking to all the PADI Standards I would like to add, of course) Deep Spec for 1400 Baht anyone?? or how about Nitrox and Deep for 2800 Baht :D
good to hear that you got a package sorted out.

so are these "unlimited trips" really that ?? you can go diving every day for as often as you want by yourself or sumply following another dm or instructor around or are the "unlimited" free diving trips ones where you are actually "guiding" paying guests?

It would be interesting to hear the answer.

Also if you fancy adding some dives to your logbook there is a small group of us of that regularly head off for some "fun" dives here in Phuket. Diving yourself and not having to follow the group or get out in 45 minutes cos thats the max time the boat will allow is much more enjoyable :)

In fact on some of the shore diving here you get to see more than you do on some of the dive boats as there is no one hurrying you along.

We are all a bit busy this month so next full day trip is planned on the 26th of the month ( last sunday of the month) The plan so far is to head to king cruiser for about 10 am, spend 4 hours on site allowing those doing rec dives to get a good couple in and those doing tec to get some decent bottom time before heading over to another site for a few hours there, then back to Chalong.

Its not free I am afraid as we spilt the cost of hiring the boat between us - should wotk out slightly under 2k this time but you will actually get to do more than the 45 minute tour.


**edited** to add that actually if you want some things for free then as you will be diving with a boat load of instructors I am sure one of us will happily help you along your way to Master Scuba Diver with a specialty or so.

You can just pay for the PIC and any manual required and when you are doing the dives we will run through the skills that are required for you. (Sticking to all the PADI Standards I would like to add, of course) Deep Spec for 1400 Baht anyone?? or how about Nitrox and Deep for 2800 Baht :D

Your shop owner/manager must be really delighted to find out that you're outpricing him behind his back Smartecosse. Really Smart. Really nice as well.
Diver_City Boys:
Fyi I cancealed all my dives with planet scuba Koh-Tao, and went with planet scuba samui even i had to pay 50% cancelation charge with Koh-Tao but they were risk to my life with their zero maintenance equipement and care (I did all koh tao dives from samui via SeaTran and returned 5:00 pm)

I have said a similar thing about Koh-Tao planet scuba in previous posts and got flamed for it, I to cancelled a 20 dive package with them after 6 dives and moved to a diferent company.
Your shop owner/manager must be really delighted to find out that you're outpricing him behind his back Smartecosse. Really Smart. Really nice as well.

my shop owner / manager ????

Limbo I have no idea who you are but as an Instructor I am free to charge what I want for my professional services.

Oh and my shop owner and manager won't have any problems with what I charge people as I have my own dive shop :D so I can pretty much charge customers what I want - just need to remember to make enough profit to pay for food :)

if you read all my posts in this thread by the way instead of simply flaming someone that you think might be "undercutting" other shops etc you will see that the whole way through and in other posts that the OP has made i have stated that merely buying certifications doesn't make you a good diver - just someone with a lot of cards that they have purchased!

I can charge customers, friends and anyone else exactly what I want. I could do it if i was a freelancer, i could do it if i worked for a dc and i can certainly do it as i have my own shop and i can set the prices that i want :D
oh look, all the gang are here now :D

ringo the guy made an assumption and comments that were neither warranted nor justified. I was not pushing the OP to buy any course etc from me nor make any liveaboard bookings etc through me unlike quite a few that lurk on internet forums be it diving or otherwise.

I merely said if he wanted some fun dives etc etc etc (as per post) and then added as an edit with a smiley face as the OP wanted stuff for free then maybe one of us would help out with some training etc etc and got slammed for it

or let me guess - the "really smart, really nice as well" isn't meant to offend me????

any way who really cares. It seems as if the OP is doing his best to buy his way to DM as fast as possible and there are plenty of DC's around who are only too happy to help this type of ATM - sorry, I mean customer - get to that rating asap. Plus of course helping them out along the way with those "extra special just for them" equipment prices etc etc

To be fair though they are another diver in the water and thats what its all about. Getting as many people interested in the underwater world as possible so hopefully the small tiny voice saying "stop messing the oceans & marine life up" will turn into a very large one that is heard where it matters.
so anyway back on topic.....

Diver City Boys

so are these "unlimited trips" really that ?? you can go diving every day for as often as you want by yourself or sumply following another dm or instructor around or are the "unlimited" free diving trips ones where you are actually "guiding" paying guests?

It would be interesting to hear the answer and also nice to know which dive center you chose to Go Pro with??
my shop owner / manager ????

Limbo I have no idea who you are but as an Instructor I am free to charge what I want for my professional services.

In my opinion you can do so if you're the shop owner, but you may start a price war in which only the customer benefits, and I'd prefer to give the customer different benefits.
As a freelancer you may be able to charge what you want, but if I would know that you be undercutting prices towards my customers, you'd never work for me again.
Being employed, I don't believe that it'd be up to you charge what you want.

Oh and my shop owner and manager won't have any problems with what I charge people as I have my own dive shop :D so I can pretty much charge customers what I want - just need to remember to make enough profit to pay for food :)

The way you would charge this specific sample wouldn't give you any profit at all, PIC and required course materials need to be covered as you stated. :shakehead

if you read all my posts in this thread by the way instead of simply flaming someone that you think might be "undercutting" other shops etc you will see that the whole way through and in other posts that the OP has made i have stated that merely buying certifications doesn't make you a good diver - just someone with a lot of cards that they have purchased!

This thread has been followed by me from the beginning. It's not a flame, it's just an observation. There's no need to start throwing words like flaming around. :11:
In this thread I don't have a problem with anything siad, except your statement that you're willing to offer training to somebody elses student at cost price for certification and required course materials. Can't imagine too many fellow instructors are too impressed by that.

I can charge customers, friends and anyone else exactly what I want. I could do it if i was a freelancer, i could do it if i worked for a dc and i can certainly do it as i have my own shop and i can set the prices that i want :D[

See my comments above what my thoughts are on this.
In my opinion it's better to continue this conversation in a more appropriate forum, if you're interested at all, like I2I
In the meantime, chock dee krab/quote]
Agree with Smartecosse regarding the 'dive at your leisure' type days, I love going to the beach for fun or for training as not only is now calm and good visibility, its quick and easy to get to, convenient, more enviormentally friendly than taking a long tail or day boat and there is a certain degree of freedom deciding when to dive, how long to dive for and when and where to have lunch !

I have offered unlimited Diving for a few of our Divemaster courses and would suggest that if you want a company to offer this / give you a quote then you need to provide them your time frame for the Divemaster course and your current dive total. I am a big fan of Divemasters being just that 'masters of their sport' and regardless of the theory exams and pool training / watermanship training and presentation skills what it always rests on for me is the professionalism of the candidate and their maturity in the water under different circumstances / conditions.

good luck
you would be better of learning to be a good all round diver before doing the DM course. Very few of the super quick "zero to hero" DM's or Insts' are actually good divers.

They may have the card but thats it. They look good for th OW students and thats about it.

WALKING before you RUN is always worth while.


Very, very good advice.

Although I have dived with some excellent DM's in Thailand I have also come across some absolute shockers. Guys with poor trim, poor situational awareness, swim with their hands and suck through gas yet still hold a DM card. I've had, as a customer, to go to the assistance of more than one. Yes they fool the OW students but thats about it.

Get out and enjoy diving. Don't bother counting dives. Try to get in a wide range of dive types under a wide range of conditions. Once you are fully comfortable and find yourself naturally breifing and leading dives then you will be ready to make a great DM.

Diving the same spot again and again under the same conditions to gain more logged dives won't necessarily make you an experienced diver.


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