Microsoft's public winge...

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This is amusing. i don't know if I should post it here or in the humor section.

Big news today is that Microsoft is accusing Google of unfair business practises.

let me just say that again.

MICROSOFT is accusing ANOTHER company of not playing by the rules.

It took me an hour to stop chucking about irony THAT big...... LOL

LoL, maybe they are trying to turn the tables to recoup the millions they have
had to pay to other companies and states for their monopoly actions.

I read recently that M$ is thinking of pay as you go software, $9.95/month,
can you say Linux?
No, Chris,

Ballmer is just a school-yard bully who somehow managed to get a good job without learning that being obscene and belligerent aren't good survival tactics in the long term. He makes enemies of everyone. Eventually the good people at Microsoft (and they are there in large numbers) will have enough of going home embarrassed every night wishing that Ballmer had called in sick that day, and they will get rid of him.

Tomorrow would be nice. Microsoft is too good of a company to deserve a blindly aggressive tyrant on the helm. I feel sorry for them.


P.S. Just to add a quote to support what I said about Ballmer, In an article I found on Google (LOL) he was quoted as saying:

"I'm going to f---ing bury that guy, I have done it before, and I will do it again," the declaration quotes Ballmer. "I'm going to f---ing kill Google."

"That guy" he's talking about is Google's CEO Eric Schmidt.
Don't take me wrong, I love Microsoft products, Lord knows I spent more $$$
on my computer hobby than diving! Hard to believe?

MS dos 3.2, 5.0, 6.0, 6.1 and 6.11 if I remember correctly it changed after a lawsuit.
Windows 3.0, 3.1, 3.11 for work groups
Windows 98, ME
Windows XP Home & Pro

I'm running a laptop, 2 desktops and a file server with paid licensed versions of XP
and Office. I decided NOT to beta test Vista after several nightmares beta testing
XP. I tried Office 2007 just like 2.5 million other users, I may be old fashioned but
I'm sticking with OfficeXP. The WGA bothers me even though I have licensed software!
I just don't like phone home programs, borders on spyware.

If they even hint at pay as you go software I'm jumping over to Linux and Open office, I've tried several different versions over the years and I think they have made enough progress over the years to give M$ a run for their money!
If they even hint at pay as you go software I'm jumping over to Linux and Open office, I've tried several different versions over the years and I think they have made enough progress over the years to give M$ a run for their money!

You won't need to wait that long. Google will come soon enough with web-based software that looks something like Open Office and gets paid for with Google ads and such. Don't forget Schmidt was CEO of Sun when they brought Open Office into the world.

It's just a matter of time before Google and Microsoft are going head to head for your desktop. It's already on a collision course. One possible future scenario is that you'll be able to run any OS you want as long as it has a browser and Google will totally sort you out for software at a fraction of the price Microsoft wants for their version of the same things. No upgrades, no bloatware on your hard drive, no spying on users, no installation woes.... Just the clean dope and it will work. All the bits of the puzzle are now in place. The internet is fast enough, computers are fast enough, Google has reached (or is reaching) critical mass and businesses are setting up their managed desktops more and more generically every year.

What, if anything, Microsoft can put on the table to make users and businesses to not want that, especially given the inevitable order of magnitude difference in prices we'll see, is going to need to be incredibly spectacular. And frankly, now that we've seen Vista, I don't personally think they have the formula to fight Google on a level playing field.... hence the whinging.... .

In that sense i can understand Ballmer panicking. He's racing a 21st century company on a 20th century horse with a 1940's management style.

What, if anything, Microsoft can put on the table to make users and businesses to not want that, especially given the inevitable order of magnitude difference in prices we'll see, is going to need to be incredibly spectacular. And frankly, now that we've seen Vista, I don't personally think they have the formula to fight Google on a level playing field.... hence the whinging.... .

In that sense i can understand Ballmer panicking. He's racing a 21st century company on a 20th century horse with a 1940's management style.


How true.....Can M$ continue to gloss over their OS with minor improvements, then
drop support for previous versions in a continual marketing scheme? I'm quite frankly
getting fed up! All I've seen from M$ is a continual cycle of an OS that keeps consuming more system resources for little benefit of user efficiency!
Land Locked:
All I've seen from M$ is a continual cycle of an OS that keeps consuming more system resources for little benefit of user efficiency!

Worse than that. I don't konw if you've seen the benchmarks for "user-interface friction" (that's the amount of effort required by the user to accomplish a certain goal, like, for example, creating a new empty folder). But it turns out that Vista has given back ALL the ground they gained with XP and then some. In terms of the users' effort they're back on the same scale as Win98, according to what I've seen.

In that sense you can say that Vista, as cutesy as it tries to be, is literally a step backwards in terms of efficiency. That's gotta have the Google boys chortling at the breakfast table... :D

This is amusing. i don't know if I should post it here or in the humor section.

Big news today is that Microsoft is accusing Google of unfair business practises.

let me just say that again.

MICROSOFT is accusing ANOTHER company of not playing by the rules.

It took me an hour to stop chucking about irony THAT big...... LOL

In a related story today, Ronald McDonald told a group of nutritionists that Burger King's Whopper was "ridiculous."

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