I'm very sure you are not making a killing running a dive op in Cozumel. I don't know the costs you have but I am a little offended when you try to blow smoke about your cost of fuel going up. You charge in dollars. In dollars your fuel cost has gone down in the last year.
Then you are offended by most dive ops and any tour business in MX - I am not alone and I am not speaking only for myself.
My point is there are so many costs aside from the obvious - and everything here is affected by the increase in fuel. Many of our expenses ARE in USD - again - unless you have run a business in Mexico, live in Mexico, etc. - you have no idea of the total overall picture - and God forbid we take less of a hit in one area but take a bigger one in another. Again - why do some feel the need to know a line item breakdown of what our costs of doing business are?
I will not respond to or defend my post anymore.
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