meeting other divers....?

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Portland Oregon
# of dives

My wife and I have been diving for a little over a year now, and have managed to log about 50 dives. We are from Oregon, and have managed to get to Florida, Thailand, and the Bahamas. We are scheduled to go back to the Bahamas in June. We are going to celebrate of 29th annivesary in August at the Little Cayman Beach Resort. And if all goes well, we are going to try the Cuan Law in November.

My question to everyone is this: We have been consumed with love for the sport of diving. (if only we had started 20 years ago) We love to travel. We are 50ish and in good health. We have just enough disposable income and time to be able to travel 3 or 4 times a year. We want to meet other couple, who also love the sport and love to travel........ but alas .... WHERE?
How does one find other compatable couple with which to dive with. Any suggestions other than a local dive club...... we tried that ! Is there a place on this board to match people for diving trips ? Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated.

P & P
Howdy Phil. Where in Oregon are you? We live in the southwestern part. Also both of us are in our 50's. I suggest contacting your LDS. Usually every shop has some trips scheduled. We too have a little time for travel and we're about 2/3 of the way through our 6 week maui trip. Fun stuff this diving.

Believe it or not, when I was in college in Ashland ( back in those days, they called it SOC) I dated a girl from Butte Falls.

About all I remember of Butte Falls is that there were four main streets, and they were all trees. Fir - Laurel - Pine and Oak. They all ran the same direction and Main street was perpendicular. I haven't thought about her for 30 years.

I'm up in Portland. Lived here since I left Ashland back in 1970.
Tried the LDS .... but to no avail.

Hawaii sounds pretty darn good to me right about now.... hope you are enjoying the warmth......and the water.....
shouldn't be too difficult. Meeting other local couples could be harder.

If you'd be happy meeting other couples that share your diving interests regardless of where they are from, then I'd suggest vacationing at a timeshare resort in a diving locale. You'll meet many people who love to travel and love to dive. Many are in that 50ish age range and have the resources to travel frequently.

I've seen many friendships form on the island here with people arranging their future vacations to be here again with their new friends.
We just got our OW cert last August. Similar to what you described, we are completely turned on to diving. We both wish we had tried it sooner. But we're glad we are doing it now. We are both in our late 40s.

Since our cert in August, we have done Cozumel, Bonaire, Aruba, and Puerto Rico. We have just over 50 dives. We will be on a live aboard (Nekton Pilot) in the Bahamas July 5th - 12th (while celebrating our 26th anniversary).

We would love to meet with you on a dive trip sometime. We will probably go back to Cozumel around October. We are also in the early stages of looking at a trip to Australia.

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