Background: I have about 100 dives under my belt, but mostly from about 10 years ago. I started back up last year by building my first BP/W rig, piece by piece. It's completed and I have been experimenting in the pool. But.
Unfortunately the first time diving in the pool, I experienced a concerning reaction: tingling in my hands, feet, and stomach that increased in intensity the longer I stayed under. The first time it occured, I got out immediately, thinking it was something very serious. The tingling sensation begins about 20 to 30 mins underwater, even in the bathtub. At first I thought that I might be breathing too fast (see the affects of hyperventilation), but I have tried different regulator settings and I am extremely calm underwater taking careful note of my breathing. After a lot of thought, I believe it is occurring do to a back injury which is pinching on nerves and creating an O2/CO2 imbalance, lack of C02. I do get very light tingling at times topside, but nothing like the increasing intensity issue; therefore, I believe the regulator (SP g260) is contributing. I have had the injury for about 2 years now (you may have seen some of my earlier posts on lighter tanks). Anyone have any experience with this? I am a pretty skinny dude, and I believe the lack of fat around the nerves is contributing. I'm not giving up. Any thoughts?
Other ideas I'm considering: try a mix with more O2, try a different reg. Edit: first step will be seeking doctors advice.
I simply cannot dive until this is sorted out. And any testing will be done in the bathtub or shallow pool with buddies. For now, you can find me around Florida snorkeling the coast.
Thanks good folks.