Medical and OWD

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Is it not about time that the world diving organizations insisted on that for any one wanting to scuba dive . Must have a physical fitness exam sports certificate ?

Here in Asia So many UN fit people sighn up for open water. The companies are to eager to take them on. Some do not even do the swim test. Other do not even recommend a discover dive to try . From this to many want to be divers. Land up Disappointed. Embarrassed. Some waist instructors time. And make dive unpleasant for others. In egypt and most of EU that I know of . ask for a sports CERT

So many even pass the swim test , Sadly to find they cannot do the under water work ( Skills ) and be comfortable in the water. due to physical condition and some time mental.

Some parts of Asia they even give the cards away without properly training. i have had divers who say they are even advanced and not even dived in low vis or even managed Neutral Buoyancy. some OWD who have never been more the 5 mts or cannot put their kit together. his has been going on for year.

And further most frightening . Stories of discover or try dives first time going to 30 mts and more. What the hell is going on?
And exactly what would exercises would constitute the fitness test? How would these apply to disabled divers?

Also, divers need time to become acclimatized to diving - you seem to expect too much too soon from (and rememeber this) inexperienced divers.
I agree with DevonDiver! What would a correct sports test consist of, Ju Jitsu Master or something! I know many divers who you might consider unfit to dive but they dive at their own sweet speed, thats why its called Recreational Diving!
Some people want to try diving so they do an intro dive, I have had some try and quit in just a few minutes but they were all happy at the end as they found out safely that diving was not for them!
There is no law that says that a would be diver take an intro dive first and an Advanced Student does not have to dive in low viz conditions!
They cannot do the underwater skills because of physical condition, a good instructor can get a student proficient so he can overcome his problems, its usually nerves that cause students to make mistakes!
If a diver is happy at 5 meters then why should he not dive in his comfort zone!
The Advanced Course can be done directly after Open Water as its 5 more dives under supervision from an instructor! The Idea of the Advanced is to show a student what else can be done on Scuba and is a very good way of improving a divers skills!
I know a lot of people who have trouble putting their own gear together as the dive from boats and the Divemasters do it all for them!
As for giving C Cards away, I have been approached but never given!
Basically I think that you are being overcritical and are missing the point that the name of the game is Recreational Scuba and it is made for most people to be able to try if they wish!
If you really want to dive in a scociety where only the best atheletes are allowed to dive, thats OK, I have no problem with that but in the real world it will not be! Why not join the Technical Diving Scociety where only the best of the best do their thing, these people are all fit and healthy for their usually short lives anyway!
Have a nice day!
The agencies have standards, even if standards are lower than some would like. It sounds as if you are seeing even those standards violated where you are. Adding a new layer of rules won't help, if people ignore the current ones they'll just ignore the new ones.
I have dived with divers that have had one arm. or no legs . They have been extremely fit and adapt as you say. Its been able to be fit like when you take that spots medical. that you heart and and lungs are working fine.
What I am saying is that in to days life style . to many people are becoming un fit. This leads to stress when stress can take over. And in just a swim can show how one copes.
Here we are teaching OW divers every day. Climate change means that when diving. winds and current can change with out notice. When a company take on a student or allows a diver who has not dived for a long time, who is un fit yet can swim the 200mts When it come to training . Thats when they find their limit. But would it not be best for them to find out their limit before putting them selves at risk and others? Divng is fun, Serious fun. And it takes a level of fitness to dive comfortably. I Know as I went through hell to get here! I could not even swim when I fist went for my discover in 1982. Another organization almost lost my life. And another lost me my friend and another friend of a friend . So I am just stating . Safety first.
Oh . And I do manage some of the most nervy divers and have helped so many over come their issues here in asia.
DSDs who never been in the water or could not swim. have dived with me and had the wonders of the sea. yes ! I have had students and up dates that have to be re trained. And in many cases have not trained to the minimum standards laid down. safety and Training is done for a reason. To making ding safe!

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