May 13th, Tenkiller, OK

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NW Oklahoma, USA
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Just thought I would leave a message about lake conditions for those who may be traveling there. All conditions were noted in the southern most are of the lake. Vis will diminish farter north.

Surface temps were about 67 with 10-12ft vis in the top layer. Vis at the dive park (in the afternoon) was pretty trashed, but I expected that. First thermal was at 40 ft and dropped the temp down to about 56. Vis was much better under the layer, at least 20ft. Next thermal hit about 78ft and I think it dropped to about 49-51 area. Vis down there stayed great or maybe improved, but the ambient light was diminishing very quickly. I didn't stay at depth long, since I didn't care any more for rocks at 81ft than I do for rocks at 35ft.

I did make a find at Nautical Adventures in Cookson (on the east side, about mid lake).
They sell topo maps of the underwater lake. Includes all roads, bridges, culverts, and building locations before the lake was impounded. My next dives there, I will actually have something to see! YEAH!


PS- TJ at Nautical Adventures says the vis will improve over the next couple weeks. Current vis is the result of the rains from last week. Current vis will be better if you dive on the south side of the islands (down current and shielded).
Excellent report, I expect to be heading down there hopefully next weekend. How much are they selling them maps for? Not to crazy I hope. I think that I found some from the civil engineers somewhere but I book marked it on my work computer.

Excellent report, I expect to be heading down there hopefully next weekend. How much are they selling them maps for? Not to crazy I hope. I think that I found some from the civil engineers somewhere but I book marked it on my work computer.
I would be interested in a link to something online if you find it.

I would be interested in a link to something online if you find it.


I'll take a look at what I bookmarked on my work computer tomorrow and will let you know if it was for tenkiller or not.
Excellent report, I expect to be heading down there hopefully next weekend. How much are they selling them maps for? Not to crazy I hope. I think that I found some from the civil engineers somewhere but I book marked it on my work computer.


The maps were about $8.50. Nice maps too. The lake is broken up into sections (book style) so you never have to mess with a huge, unfolded map in the wind. The map is also waterproof and comes in a vinyl sleeve for protection/storage.


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