Thanks for the tips. I'll print this thread and take it around to all the LDS's around here to see how many she can try on in our quest for the perfect fit.
Incidentally, I remembered wrong, it was the Mares Spora Sub Instinct Star mask that she tried on and had a decent fit (but it was hideous, for a girl to have to wear). This is the only link I could find when googling it. It's $60 at Sport Chalet, and while scuba is no fashion show, she IS a girl, and I'd hate to drop that kind of money on a mask that she hates the looks of.
Incidentally, I remembered wrong, it was the Mares Spora Sub Instinct Star mask that she tried on and had a decent fit (but it was hideous, for a girl to have to wear). This is the only link I could find when googling it. It's $60 at Sport Chalet, and while scuba is no fashion show, she IS a girl, and I'd hate to drop that kind of money on a mask that she hates the looks of.