Well, it was Martha's, what else can I say? Surprisingly enough, it wasnt that crowded. Granted, I'm used to Vortex on Saturday and having to keep track of 20 or so students. Anything less than that is fine by me, trust me!... There definitely were not as many people as I had expected, but still a sizeable crowd. I was talking to the old fella that runs the place on the way out, and he said (in between ranting about the internet and crackheads, no joke. I really like this guy! haha) they had a couple hundred for the day. Not a bad turnout I'd say.
The water was pretty damn clear, I was surprised to say the least. Pobably a ~30ft viz, little more/little less in spots. Surface temp was ~73*, thermocline was @ ~20ft/62*.
I'm still amazed at the size of the place. The first dive was rather creepy I must admit. It's like diving a ghost town. Quite the site! Overall, we managed 3 dives. First two were around/in the buildings & crusher. Third we made a trip over to the bus. Talk about a swim!
Overall, I really enjoyed Martha's. I'll definitely be back sometime this summer. I'll try and get some pics up later tonight if I have time. If not, you'll have to wait until I get back from Grand Cayman :-D