marthas quarry

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adams tennessee
has anyone been to marthas quarry this year? are they able to fill tanks and do they have rental gear? it has been a while since i have been there.
has anyone been to marthas quarry this year? are they able to fill tanks and do they have rental gear? it has been a while since i have been there.

Dove there 3 weeks ago. They have air fills, but no nitrox. Fills are pretty quick.

Surface temp was about 80 degrees. Thermocline at about 30-35'. Below Thermcline it was about 60-62 degrees. The vis was really pretty good around the rock crusher/shaker house, but along the back wall where the pumphouse is the vis was terrible 3' or so. I'd get there as early as you can. Before the classes get there for check-outs the vis is the best.

has anyone been to marthas quarry this year? are they able to fill tanks and do they have rental gear? it has been a while since i have been there.

Was there this past weekend. Water temp on surface was 78 degrees. Water temp at 58 ffw was 64 degrees. Vis was running about 25 - 30 feet.

Got some fills there this weekend. Cost was $6.00. Tank rental is $16.00. They do have some rental gear, but I don't know the prices and such...

Fred is having a Customer Appreciation Night this Thursday evening starting at 3pm. All of the Nashville clubs and shops will be there. Come on out if you can....

Randy Cain
I'm interested in checking out Martha's on July 3rd for the first time, but unfortunately my regular buddy (wife) has to work. Anyone else planning to dive that I may be able to join?

Anyone headed to Martha's on Saturday? My wife & I made it out about month ago, but severe weather moved in & we only got in one dive. Would love to buddy up w/ someone familiar with the quarry & have a fun couple of dives.

Anyone headed to Martha's on Saturday? My wife & I made it out about month ago, but severe weather moved in & we only got in one dive. Would love to buddy up w/ someone familiar with the quarry & have a fun couple of dives.


Not this weekend, but next (8/21) am planning to meet my father-in-law there for a day of diving.


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