I stayed at the Iberotel Coraya, which was a very nice hotel. The iberotel lamaya was on the other side of the bay but all connected and was also nice. The dive centre was Coraya divers. The hotel is isolated and about 15mins drive from Port ghalib where you can dive emporer divers but is a hassle if you stay at the iberotels. However a friend who was there the same time started off at emporer and left them because service was poor and trips to the better sites like elphinstone was not guaranteed in a week. Coraya divers had good facilities, lots of daily diving and was very busy. I didnt like the fact that you had to cart your gear around between multiple places, the dm's were shocking and if you like to have space on a dive, ie be more than 3ft from the dm then forget it because they just constantly rattle these little noise makers which is highly annoying. I ended up doing dives with my friend with no guide because diving was NOt fun with dm's. They will let you dive any site unguided which is a bit risky if you dont know the sites but my best dives were self guided and actually saw some marine life. The dms had minimal knowledge of the marine life and failed o show me anything in the 12 dives i did. Also they make you do a refresher dive with skills and charge you for it, even if you are an instructor and dived a week ago!!